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The Ferret Aid Society <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 21 Jun 2003 15:49:30 -0400
text/plain (42 lines)
Hello all my friends!  it's been a while so sit back and relax.....i got
tons to tell you!
1st off, it's important for those of you in Ontario to know something.
ECE is back in Ontario.  Many people have been calling in asking about
this mysterious green slime virus.  Most of the people calling have
either been to a pet shop and handled kits or brought a new kit home.
None the less, ECE *is* back.
Grandma is home from the hospital and already asking to share her pudding
cups with the ferrets!  She's got a new favorite.  It's Barbie (the
little girl whose owner tossed her twice from a 4 story balcony).  She
likes Ken too (Barbie's cagemate) but says he's too wiggly.  Barbie is
content to sit on grandma's tummy and lick tapioca pudding for a bit.
Gran always makes sure not to give her too much.
Mommie's book is ready for sale.  It's called Journey Across the Rainbow
Bridge.  Grandma & I are 2 main characters!  You can view some of the
details here http://www.ferretaid.org/story.html
The shelter is gearing up for one of their best fund-raisers of the year!
Pride Toronto!  Auntie Katrina made a 4 foot tall purple ferret to go in
the parade too!  Next weekend, June 28-29 will be a lot of work.  We're
still looking for volunteers to help with our booth but were very
surprised to have a great response from volunteers to march in the parade
& help with Toonie Driving!  Good job!
The shelter took in a new kid named Felix.  His owner gave him up because
he wouldn't poop in the litter box.  Sadly, Felix's owner chose to keep
his brother so Felix is feeling a little lonely in the shelter.  He's
playing with the other ferrets, but mommie can tell he misses his
Must run, lots to do here!!!
Love and kisses, Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society
"For The Love of Our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4186]