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Wed, 24 Sep 2003 21:02:13 -0700
Barbara Clay <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
Dear All,
There was some tremendously bad judgement last week in a post.
>... There is a nasty rumor circulating that not all of these kids are
>being spayed and neutered,...that some are being kept whole and returned
>to breeding...
The repercussions from this have been hurtful to all of us that have
poured so much of ourselves into loving them to being healthy and happy,
nursed them post-op.  Again, all adults rescued have been altered,
including the Wolfsville.  The kits, 15, will be altered when the vet
determines it is their time.
Many may not know this, but FOX TV CHANNEL 5, out of the Washington,
D.C./Maryland area did a story on these kids.  Their cameras were rolling
one morning as we arrived and took the ferrets into Falls Rd Animal
Hospital.  Their cameras later went into the operating area and
interviewed the vets overseeing the surgeries.  They then came back to
Rocky's and interviewed Leanne and took pictures of all the post-op kids.
I say this because the harm of the post has lead some people to ask for
pictures of shaved bellies ....Unbelievable!!!!
When Kim Sikorski and I were at the garage in Hagerstown, Diana Bachman
was bring drilled about her ferrets, including the missing 18.  Diana
Bachman gave me the names of 3 women that she was giving ferrets to.
We had no control over this.
However, I will be contacting those women this week.  I believe all
three of them read the FML.  I am going to implore you not to breed
these ferrets.  I am asking anyone who was a breeding partner of Diana
Bachman's to immediately alter all your lines that include Frosty Paws
I want you all to remember that Biker Chick died while being spayed.  She
was less than a year.  She died of a heart defect and other issues from
neglect.  Hanna died suddenly.  Boomer died.  Go to the Hagerstown pic
essay and look at the individuals.  Many are A, B, C, D, 1 ,2 3, No Name
1, etc.  Diana Bachman did not know the names of her ferrets.  The
lineage papers she gave you are bogus, a total lack of integrity.  She
did not know names or was able to recognize her ferrets.
If you have any good sense, ethics, or care about the health of ferrets,
anyone possessing Frosty PAWS ferrets will have them altered.
Don't perpetuate the horror and death.  This needs to stop now.  I really
hope that when I contact these breeding partners, that I am not met with
resistance.  I will let it be known.  These ferrets are not healthy...
stop the insanity.  Don't give Diana Bachman a reason to call you in a
year and want a kit!!!  The Law is doing their best to stop her, but the
best defense the ferret community has is your own personal integrity and
Barb Clay
Paypal:  [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 4281]