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Wed, 6 Aug 2003 18:12:32 -0700
text/plain (38 lines)
Hi all
Things have been kinda slow.
A little guy named Mr. Hobbit came in today.  Lemmon waz here to meet
him.  Things didn't go well at first.  After da introductions things got
a little tense.  I managed to calm everything down and after a while they
got better.  They weren't long lost buddies but they were getting along.
Anyway they got to talking about home and things everybody waz caught up
on all da news.  Then it waz off to explore and see all da sights and
attractions.  I later saw them over at da Tube Park where they were
running in da practice tubes and playing chase da ferret.  They seemed to
be getting along better.  They played a lot of games and mixed in with a
lot of different ferrets.  I think he will do well after it all sinks in.
A lot of times they shed their unfriendliness to others when they come
here.  This place has a calming affect.  He did say he waz doing ok and
to send his luv and lots of kisses to hiz daddy.
A little guy named Spice came in later.  He waz met by Clyde, Tiny and
Angel.  They were glad to see him adn greeted him warmly.  Then it waz
time to gossip and caught up on all da news and stuff at home.  They
talked for some time about this and dat.  Then it waz off to explore and
see all da sights and attractions.  I later saw them over at Dirt
Mountain where they were digging and playing in da dirt.  After all da
playing they got down to business and managed to enlarge da den for one
more.  It didn't take them long to get it done.  There waz a lot of dirt
flying everywhere and they seemed to have entirely to much fun doing it
to.  They also headed over to da Sock Steal Game and borrowed a lot of
socks and carried them back to da den to make everything comfy and snug.
After all dat exercies though they all curled up in da new den and had a
nap.  He did tell me to pass on hiz luv to hiz mommy along with kisses
and hugs.
I am off for a nap myself.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 4232]