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Sun, 27 Jul 2003 19:20:50 -0700
"Tara C. Radford" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
If ANYONE has any doubts about the way this rescue/take my ferrets,
please ....went down...i think they best look at the 90 plus pictures and
talk with Animal Control in Wa County....
This so called "breeder" is the next thing to Jen Morrison i personally
have ever seen.  Not even sure which category she fits into....abuser,
breeder,nut case are all words that come to mind.The living situation was
deplorable and why it took the neighbors so long to report her i will
never understand.The stench and faces of these lil ferrets in what can
not even be called cages, in a garage,that was eaten alive by mice was
gut wrenching....
Rescues to help AC,take very Special people and it was done by two of the
BEST~Barb & Kim.
Please send any amount of money to help,here??  I am sending a maltese
coin sterling bracelet for them to E/Bay as i am between checks.So even
if you haven't any extra funds right now,try to dig up something & either
send it or E/Bay it,please??  I'm sure we all have something..  Much Love
yet a great sadness fill my Heart writing this..
God Bless you Both & every kind soul involved.I am very very happy to see
the ferret community come together at last.;)
Tara & ClubMedFerrets/Yahoo
Join our Ferret Group!! Club Med Ferrets
NEW! Go shopping with CMF, proceeds go to Shelters!
[Posted in FML issue 4222]