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Thu, 17 Jul 2003 13:04:07 EDT
Bonnie Knight <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
Dear Annon,
I think you misread something in Val's post.  No one said that they were
looking for monetary thanks or "appreciation presents".  Any one that
takes on a volunteer position should clearly know how a non-profit
organization works and would know that these such rewards are not a part
of volunteering.
Yes, I agree that the work done should be for the ferrets, first and
foremost, but when honest, heartfelt and meaningful words of "Thanks"
are not given it sometimes makes it difficult for volunteers to give
out their time.  When all a volunteer sees is a 3 page list of harsh
critisism and their hard work constantly criticised and picked to shreds,
the negative words and actions far out weigh any good words spoken,
therefore any words of "thanks" surely have no strength or meaning.
Words of "thanks" ARE enough for a volunteer.  What gives those words no
meaning is when someone can say "Volunteering is a thankless job" and
then turn around and say "thank you".  Wouldn't you agree that those
words of thanks are for nothing more than to give the volunteers what
they want to hear, which in my book gives those words no heartfelt
meaning.  That is clearly what has been said in the previous post.
I agree with you when you say that volunteers need to follow through with
their promises.  Volunteers shouldn't take on tasks and wait untill the
last minute to take care of them or not do them at all.  A volunteer
should make it perfectly clear what task it is that they are doing, what
it entails, and do it ASAP.  If help is needed, they should ask other
volunteer for a bit of help, but that volunteer shouldn't have to hope
that the helper(s) will get their part done in a timely manner or done
at all.  Yes a "burden shared is a burden lightened" but if that burden
taken on is not followed through, then you now have another burden!
What is wrong with volunteers having fun.  I understand if fun is coming
at the expense of work not getting done, then there is a proplem.  but if
it isn't, volunteering should have some fun in it.  Doesn't a little fun
make a happy, healthy organization???
Any person volunteering shouldn't be in it to meet someones needs., but
is it a "need" when a volunteer is looking for a heartfelt and meaningful
"thanks"?  Somewhere along the way of generations moving on and changing,
we lost the simple meaning of RESPECT and KINDNESS.  What a shame, this
world isn't such a great place when you look at the big scheme of things.
People need to step back and think about other peoples feelings other
than their own.  Unfortunately that was lost somewhere along the way too.
You are right, sometimes it takes being in someone elses shoes for a
while.  Try it sometime.
Kindness and Respect
Bon (the transplanted one) and the Friends of the Ferret Collective
Clan" and growing
baa baa
[Posted in FML issue 4212]