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Thu, 17 Jul 2003 15:43:15 -0500
Angie George <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Last Thursday evening my husband and I found Jigs in a coma.  We rushed
him to the vet and luckily he came out of it.  He's been getting fed the
chicken baby food recipe every 3 hrs. since then.  He's on pediapred and
is slowly getting better.  He's going to see Larry Saturday morning and
we're hoping that as soon as he's more stable to schedule surgery.  Jigs
can be seen on the Planet's Funniest Animals reruns opening the
refrigerator so that he and his sissy Luna can climb inside to retrieve
Luna is the little 10 month old girl we lost needlessly because of our
ignorance.  We took her to a vet who was NOT ferret knowledgeable and he
removed her spleen even though she was suffering from a major infection
and she never recovered.  This vet took us to court recently and we won.
Now we are scheduled back in court on August 20th because he chose to
appeal.  My thoughts on this have always been to ask him if he'd like to
repossess her...................
This is a very painful subject and we are very tired of having to dredge
the whole thing back up.  We would very much appreciate prayers for Jigs
and well wishes for court.  Also, anyone who's dealt with the coma and
seizure problems associated with insulinoma, I would like to hear your
thoughts and ideas.
Angie, Jigs, Cujo, Ozzie, Nacho, Sammy (the sewer rat), and Miss Shelby
missing Slim and Luna
to Luna: I hope you dance.
[Posted in FML issue 4212]