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Wed, 16 Jul 2003 20:35:10 EDT
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Hi all!  I really want to express my condolences to those who have lost
or are losing their furry buds.  My prayers are with you.  You know - it
has been so long since I have kept up with this list - that I forget how
many fur balls we lose and the sad stories that accompany them.
So - you all know me.....I want HAPPY STORIES!!!  I want each and every
one of you (yes, dang it, I am CHALLENGING again!!!  -~~Sorry Bill!!) -
One happiest fuzzy moment of your life!!!!
My most recent one?  Too Fast!!!  How many of you remember her story?
Along with her cagemates' stories?  I don't recall seeing any stories
from any of the other "new Mom's or Dad's that adopted the other ones
from 24 carat rescue......was I the only one?  I'm reachin here folks....
so here is Too Fast (now Morganna, goddess of bloodlust).  Arrives at our
house - a nipping, snapping, generally DON' T TOUCH ME YOU , YOU.....
HUMAN YOU!  - typea ferret.  I enjoyed sharing with her, not only my
blood on a daily basis, but some excellent choices of skin!!!  This poor
lil albino gal - who really had no one to touch her, hold her,or love
her - was dumped into the "Wildest House In The West"!!!  What???!!  Did
she think like, her life would be calm?  In MY house???!!!  Shame!!
Well, we set her straight pretty quick.  Hey for the record?  Her fav
food?  9-lives super supper.  I think that happened cause the cats like
it - and well, you get the message eh?  Hehe.
I do want to say though, I am sorry Too Fast - there is no more LOCKED
CAGE OR TANK for you.  You will just have to adjust to "free roam" here,
cause that is how we do things.  If you want to run around all day - then
you just do it!  I am sorry that we will only put you in the cage at
night time, for your safety.  I am also sorry - that we dumped you into
this hodgepodge world of ferts, cats and dog.  **No I'm not** *Grins* I
am sooo glad that after the months that you have been with us, you still
choose only ME to take skin from!!  Shows your true love, I know it does!
(I'm kidding kids).  Lil Ms Too Fast has adopted some pretty bad habits
from her coherts.....she has learned to spill water on my face and lap it
up - while laughing at me....she and her coherts in crime, have all
learned how to trip hoomans as they climb up or down stairs....and most
heartening, she has learned that it is OK TO LOVE.  That was the biggest
hurdle for us.  The chomps, were all little stepping stones to us proving
to her, well, ok, ME proving to her, that she might take my skin - but
she already has my heart!!!  Too Fast has made great strides.  She now
rides on the cat's faces when they are running in abject terror (kinda
like a bucking bronco) - and has learned how to hang onto the dog's ears
as he runs from the room in terror (yes, I have pics!!)  Her bestest bud
is Artemus, the other Albino from hell, who as a kit was dropped too many
times on his head by his fert mom.....*grins*.  Happy to say - all ferts
love each other and still do the funny antics that make us love em!!
I will write a much better story - when I see anyone meet my challenge!!!
If you dare........**thanks Bill***
Kim and Her Army of Idiots
[Posted in FML issue 4211]