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Mon, 30 Jun 2003 06:01:22 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (72 lines)
To Alexandria who flamed in jest about Kims' AC ability.  It wasn't so
funny.  I take exception to using the list as a personal message service.
There are MANY members who read infrequently,did not get the jist of, and
are put off by the private joke.
As long as we are all giving our opinion on Animal communication I will
give mine.  I am an animal communicator, so is my mama and Auntie Lulu.
So was the Son Of sam guy who claimed his dog told him to be a serial
killer.  So was St Francis of Assisi who had the gift of love and
intuition.  Aside from outright schizophrenia animal communication is
To use humans who are tuned in to the wave being empathtic to the
feelings,thoughts,energies of others AND our strong empathy, to the
point of feeling the pain of, sensing the thoughts of other living things
is part of our humanity.  To those of us who have sensitivity to living
(and maybe non living )things the ability to strongly identify with the
energy around us is part of how the human brain works.
I had a very sick fuzzy once.  I held him close and "willed" him well.
I felt my personal energy spread out to include him.  I could sense his
pain and fatigue.  In my head and in my feelings I was strong in my wish
for him to recover.I mental ly kept sending him that wish.  Did he pick
up on my anguish and hopes for him to recover?  probably on some level.
Animals are tuned in to the body language,intent ,behaviors of other
living things.  It helps them survive.I cannot however mentally
communicate to him the URL of my favorite website and expect him to get
it.  I also hand fed him duck soup and meds around the clock.  He did
recover,against the odds.  And what was the miracle here?  The duck soup
and meds or my healing energy ( or his healing energy) ?  Maybe both,
maybe neither .Maybe luck of the draw.
Human beings have many untapped resources.Some of us tap them a bit more
than others.  Some humans are clueless beings who live from the spinal
cord.Some are more evolved in EMPATHY and INTUITION.
Ask any mother on the planet how she just "knows" what her kids are up
to ,how they feel, what they are thinking and why she "felt something bad
was happening" while they were not with her .Ask how she knows they are
getting sick when they are not sick yet..... the answer is intuitive
insight and emapthtic response.  She is tuned in to their wave becasue
she loves and cares for them on deep levels.  She can predict their
thoughts , feelings and behaviors becasue she is so tuned in to the
PATTERNS of those things anyway.
To anyone who believes their ferrets,cats, dogs or iguanas ask them to
get the take out menu and order some chow mein, go to a clinic and sign
yourself in.If your ferret is giving you stock tips , you're in trouble.
Animal brains are not capable of such specificity.They cannot tell you
that they prefer the name Rover over the name Buttercup.
They can communicate to you if they are joyous,in pain, depressed,
hungry,thirsty ,frustrated, in need of some stroking etc.
The following is important here folks:
We are all more tuned in to the body language, expressions,feelings,
thoughts and energy of others than we give ourselves credit for.We can
get general or specific impressions of the lives and beings around us.
We INTERPRET those impressions.We make those interpretations based on
OUR OWN feelings and thoughts many times.
BUT if your ferret is telling you this morning to put away the box of 8
in 1 and make him some eggs over easy , or he is "not comfortable" with
the color of your new Chrysler Lebaron , you have a bigger problem that
you think you do.
Fondly to all,
An FML member who's not up for flame mail.
[Who also happens to be in an FFZ, else this might not have been
accepted.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4195]