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Wed, 18 Jun 2003 13:16:49 -0500
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First off I would like to say I always love your posts, they are
insightful and never have judgments attached to them.  You just want to
I have had as many as 31 ferrets, 3 cats and a dog.  Now mind you, I am
not a shelter.  But I do have experience as to time (which I also admit
may be very different from the shelters, because I don't cage).
In my former house, and in this one, the ferrets have a room of their
own.  I can put them up if I choose to, in their room.  But for most of
the day, they are free roam.  Currently I have 13 ferrets, and a cat.
Even at the top end of the animal count, I feel everyone got love and
plenty of time with me.  Since the ferrets have/had their own buddies
(both ferret and other) they would simply come up to me and ask for
attention.  I would play with anyone who wanted, when they asked (well
except for a couple who thought that playtime should start by biting my
toes under the cover at night).
Some ferrets simply don't require the same amount of human time as
others.  Miss MaryJane is at my side all the time.  She sleeps on my
pillow and will clean me for long periods.  She will cuddle with a few of
the other ferrets, but doesn't play with them.  Right now she is older
(estimate of about 7-8 years) and blind.  However, the blindness doesn't
stop her from checking out the house and getting up and down off my
elevated sleigh bed.
Treska and Maisie are both older.  Treska is blind and going in this week
for Insulinoma testing.  Neither are big mommy cuddlers, both prefer the
company of ferrets.  But they do come up every couple of days for
cuddles.  Limited cuddles.  Lol.
My vet is impressed that I have so many in one large group.  I guess that
is where I differ with many shelters.  Unfortunately, many times shelters
can give only extremely limited "out of cage" time.  And that does affect
the ferrets.  I have seen shelter kids like Treska who aren't disturbed
by the limited time out or contact, but many more are sad and clinging
because they don't get a lot of contact.
I wish shelters could have large groups also.  I honestly think this
would be better, but I also am not at all sure it is possible.  First, I
know many people do not have the courage?  Stamina?  To allow one large
group.  It can get loud and angry when you first combine ferrets.  I
still have loud spats with mine.  Some folks would *not* agree with
letting the ferrets work it out on their own.
I also realize that really sick ferrets need separate accommodations,
however that doesn't include adrenal, insulinoma or even blindness.  My
ferrets who have dealt with those things still stay out with the others.
I feel it is very important for them.  And of course as they age, their
activity levels go down.  My crew are all around 7-8 now except for one,
and while they will still play and wrestle, it is much more limited.
They do still get around the house and check things out.
Will love to hear others opinions or experiences.
[Posted in FML issue 4183]