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Sun, 1 Jun 2003 01:15:10 EDT
Kim Schilling <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Kit and Bert are two gorgeous ferrets that were abandoned a couple of
weeks ago at our clinic.  The woman who dropped them off actually lied to
the techs and said that she'd already spoken to me and that I knew the
ferrets were coming.  They were there for a week before someone finally
called and asked me why I hadn't picked up the ferrets yet.  huh?
Sheesh.  Some people.
The woman left a piece of paper with minimal info on it.  She stated
before leaving them that she was mailing me their complete records.
Funny, she doesn't even have my address unless she got my PO Box off my
website.  Regardless, they're here and they need a forever home TOGETHER.
Until that home is found, they're safe with us.
Here's the info the woman left:
Male (Bert) is approximately 2 to 3 years old.  Kit (female) is
approximately 1 to 2 years old.
Diet: Ferret kibble (don't know which), hairball treatment (1 week.....
whatver that means), water (hehehehehe.  really??), and veggie treats
Habits: Love cuddling, playing tag, stealing things, and hiding under
cabinets (yup.  They're ferrets).
Upon their arrival I was able to watch them interact with other ferrets.
They're both very social and easy going.  Kit is a pretty medium sized
cinnamon girl.  She's about 1 1/2 lbs.  Bert (I wonder what happened to
Ernie :-() is a very handsome sable.  He's very long.  I'd say he's
about 2 to 2 1/2 pounds.  Both have had physicals and have checked out
fine.....if you don't count the filth clogging their ear canals.  Both
are pretty solid and in good shape.  They'll be receiving their
vaccinations this weekend when I do the annuals for my guys.
Only Illinois or NW Indiana residents will be considered for adoption,
because otherwise I can't hunt you down as easily if you should later
prove unworthy.  Potential adopters will be thoroughly screened,
fingerprinted and microchipped............sorry, wrong list.  It's after
midnight and my 16 month old is still RUNNING strong. <yawn>.  Disregard
everything except for the screening part.  E-mail me at [log in to unmask]
if you think you might be interested.  Thanks.
Kim Schilling
Director, Animals for Awareness
List Mom, Procyonid_Viverrid Group
and a whole lot of other things
[Posted in FML issue 4165]