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Wed, 21 May 2003 22:49:18 EDT
text/plain (28 lines)
In a message dated 5/5/2003 [!]....
>I would also be interested in finding out if anyone knows any solutions
>to this.  I have one cage that came with an owner surrender that has a
>little bit of rust on the top of it.  (the bars are all coated with white
>stuff, I'm too sleepy to remember what it's called...) it would be nice
>to figure out how to make it look nice again so I can use it as a spare.
Hi Melissa ~
This is so behind the list date it may be an old subject right now.  The
herb truck backed up to the door last week and unloaded -- in my garden!
I have no time.
I have sanded my rust off and cleaned it with a 15% solution of chlorox
to warm water (15 chlorox: 85 parts water).  We used it on the tables at
the school cafeteria.  Then I thoroughly rinsed it in the yard and set
it in the sun to dry.  I have done this for rabbits for 15+ years.
Warmly ~
Mary L. Conley, ND, Herbalist
Conley Farm Organic Herbs
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Private Consultations
[Posted in FML issue 4155]