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Sun, 18 May 2003 23:33:34 -0700
valerie wahoski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
Do they make liquid melatonin?  I'm thinking about starting Noodles
back on melatonin, but I do not enjoy giving her pills, as the only
way I could get her to take them was by scruffing her, letting her yawn,
and putting it far back in her mouth, closing the mouth and rubbing her
throat...mixing it in furo-tone was also a pain as she licked up
everything but the melatonin.  After a while of giving her the pills, she
wouldn't yawn when she was scruffed...and still doesnt LOL...I wouldn't
blame her :)
Yes she had adrenal surgery last June, and the left adrenal was removed,
since then, the right gland has grown, and I have opted not to do the
surgery due to age/health/finances  She also has an enlarged liver and
spleen...(believe the liver is a fluid-filled cyst as it is 3 times it's
normal size, and ultrasound/x-rays and needle aspiration (i think thats
what was done) a good amount of yellow liquid was drained from the
liver..  no protein in it)
Back to my main question...If anyone knows where I can get the liquid
form of melatonin, me and Noodles would be greatly appreciated!  Maybe
it wont taste so bad ;)
Imagine watching Jack.  He has his nose to the ground like a hunting dog,
sniffing out the corners of the bedroom.  His nose zones in on a scent
and he kicks it into full speed.  His head bobs around, and he Jumps at
what appears to be nothing...another jump...still nothing.  The innocent
victim scurries under my computer desk with Jack at full speed behind
it...It's a water beetle (which a colony has graciously inhabited our
home)  Finally Jack makes one last desperate leap...smacks into the
computer desk leg...and the beetle scurries to safety...Maybe next time
Jack :)
-valerie, noodles, and Beetle Jack
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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[Posted in FML issue 4153]