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Mon, 19 May 2003 13:33:29 -0500
"Church, Robert Ray (UMC-Student)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
It was a wacky trip, but I am home at last.  My apologies to those who
asked for stops AFTER I had left--I never saw the requests until my
return.  I was off line for the entire trip, never turning a computer
on until I got home.
I did make a total of 5 stops, and 1 think I talked more in those stops
than I do normally in a month.  I was recovering from laryngitis, so by
the last stop I was lucky to be squeaking out my words.  It was pathetic,
but at least it was fun to see a few ferret people attempting not to
giggle when my voice broke as if I was back in 7th grade.  Lucky I had
Elizabeth with me during the later visits to keep the giggling in check.
As always, the people I visited were a real pleasure.  I'm not sure if it
is because they are ferret people or because they are on the FML, but the
people at each stop were wonderful.  And questions?  At a single stop in
Texas (where I promised I would answer questions until the last one was
asked), I must have talked until 1:30am!  I was so tired forgot the only
printed copy of my ferret book and had to rap on their window to retreive
it.  The questions were thoughtful and to the point, and ALL demonstrated
a real concern and desire to make ferret lives better.  I was extremely
happy to see such dedicated ferret people.  I have a list of questions
solicited from the visits that I more or less promised to answer in
detail on the FML.  Topics I've been asked to write extended posts about
include bone eating, some diet questions, caloric restriction, some
questions on domestication and the canges they cause, stress reduction,
overcrowding, caging, and mental stimulation.  For some reason, bone
eating seemed to be the topic of choice, so I'll immediately start that
one first.
The wacky reference was not really about all the tornadoes I was dodging,
but about a curious incident on a nice, sunny day.  While I was strolling
down the River Walk in San Antonio, I happened upon a young lady walking
her ferret (on a leash).  I couldn't help to stop to talk to the ferret,
and the person asked if I was Bob C from the FML.  When I asked what gave
her that idea, she said she "Who else would wear such wild shirts AND
know about ferrets." Those wanted posters have got to come down....
Again, while I visited everyone expecting me, I apologize to those who
asked after I left.  I was offline and never saw the requests until my
return.  Now all I need to do is find the time to catch up on the FMLs.
Bob C
[Posted in FML issue 4153]