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Sun, 11 May 2003 02:28:16 -0700
Big Dave from the Enclave <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
I wouldn't say they are getting laxer but that the Depatment of Fish and
Game doesn't have the enforcement capability to actively search out
ferret owners.  Your best bet to get busted is from some one turning you
in, ex boy/girl friends, ex spouses, neighbors, etc.  Oppritunity is the
key word when it comes to enforcement.  If you make it easy by taking
your ferret out into public then the cances are 100% greater they will be
seized.  DFG isn't the only law enforcement body that can enforce the
law, the CHP, city police, Animal Control, basically any sworn officer in
the state.
During the California Senate Natural Resources and Wild Life Committee
Senator Rico Oller asked if DFG actively enforces the law to which DFG
answered no "we don't go door to door".  They may not go door to door but
they still seize ferrets.  I am always amazed at the people that take
ferts into Petsmart or Petco thinking that there is so type of immunity
from prossecution if they are in a pet store.  This couldn't be further
from the truth.  DFG has has juristiction over pet stores and many
Animal Control officers and wardens have pets and shop at these stores.
Actually any person could make a citizens arrest if you have a ferret on
you because a misdomeanor is taking place.  Highly unlikely but possible.
Do your ferret a favor and don't take him or her into public in
California, you are only asking for trouble.  Many times when I am
lecturing (for lack of a better word) ferret owners in pet stores about
taking their ferts in public I get an attitude like, no one is gonna
take my ferret.  Now I ask them if they know who Hildy is, when they
reply they don't I tell them "she is the one that will be responsible
for keeping your ferret alive" when it gets confiscated.
Another note.  Don't rely on pet stores to know the legalities of
ferrets.  I've been told that the law changed in '97but that pet stores
just can't sell them.  I've been told that the amnesty bill has already
passed.  If you have a ferret related question in California you can
always ask it on www.groups.yahoo.com/group/ferretunderground
[Posted in FML issue 4145]