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Wed, 7 May 2003 07:12:02 EDT
Linda Sheridan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (17 lines)
My little girl, Ethel, made it thru adrenal surgery with flying colors,
but while she was recouping I feed her off of my finger to make sure she
would get plenty of food.  Now she won't eat any other way.  I've added
her kibble to her soup to help her get started once again on her own.
Any suggestions to get her eating on her own would be greatly appreciated
from you wonderful carpet shark owners.
She just had surgery last week and got the stitches out yesterday.  She
has returned to the other kids in the group.  She's playing good when
her soul mate, Fred.  Her fur is already starting to sprout back and her
vulva is no longer swollen.  It was her left gland that was very bad and
hoping that her right one won't act up now.
Thanks, so much in advance,
Linda and the kids
[Posted in FML issue 4141]