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Mon, 5 May 2003 12:40:52 -0600
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Humans are an interesting animal... they have the ability to do so much
good and yet relish doing harm instead.  Humans can be caregivers to all
life forms, and the destroyers of the planet.  They can be kind and
loving, and murderous and vengeful.  They can be good and they can be
bad, and sometimes they are both in the same body.
Every single person has a moral and ethical responsibility to treat every
person with respect.  Unfortunately, I have learned the hard way that
some people cannot be trusted, are backstabbers, manipulators and puppet
masters.  They speak out of both sides of their face, praising a person
on one side and tearing them down on the other.  These people can be seen
as charismatic and can manipulate even the most skeptical and careful.
I am a person who has always considered myself as ever vigilant and not
one to be sucked into mob mentality scenarios, but it happened to me.
I was one that was taken in by this facade.  It took me some time to
realize that I was being used and manipulated.  But thankfully I saw it
eventually and got away from these people.  Since then, they have gone
out of their way to make life difficult for me.  So much for the ferrets
being their focus...
You can recognize the pattern of individuals like this... They'll tell
you all the things you want to hear in the beginning.  They will even
seem sympathetic, kind, compassionate and caring.  As time goes on, they
start to tell you things about other people, usually negative things
(with no proof), and you will believe them because they have not given
you any reason not to.  You will get so hooked into what they are saying,
that if you heard differently from an outside source, you would not even
consider believing the outsider for a moment.  You will feel they were
being petty, jealous, or spiteful.  But then a day will come when you
start to see something you think is not quite right and you will question
it.  From that day forth, your relationship will change.  The more you
question, the more you will be pushed away.  Before long, you will hear
that the negative things that were spoken to you are now being said about
you.  By then, it will be too late to realize that you have been conned.
If a person is really in it for the cause and not for themselves, you
will be able to see it.  They focus on the needs of the cause as a
whole, and not about personal glory or gain.  They will make tremendous
sacrifice and take no thanks for it because the cause is what it is all
about.  A person who talks badly about another with no proof to back it
up is a Rumor Monger and they gain support through questionable means.
My motto... If you hear a rumor about another person, don't just believe
it... go to the person being talked about and ask them directly.  I have
found that many times that rumors were started out of jealousy and the
information passed on untrue.  Facts are facts but get them from the
As for the DNA List... do the same.  If you see a name that you know that
you feel should not be there, question it.  Demand proof.  Don't just
accept what you see as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but.  There
are people who say they do what they do what they do for the ferrets, but
in reality, they only want personal glory and fame.  Judge for yourself
with open eyes and an open heart.  The truth is there for all to see who
want to see it.
betty and her blur o'fur
for the love of ferrets...
[Posted in FML issue 4139]