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Sun, 20 Apr 2003 18:41:19 EDT
text/plain (34 lines)
Hi everyone,
Just need some advice.  Max is around 5 years old.  A few months ago, I
got up in the middle of the night and found spots of saliva & foam and
then saw Max vomitting the same.  Gave him some metamusil and fed him
some chicken baby food and everything seemed to be ok.
A month or so later, once again I found him with his mouth wet and foamy.
I gave him a Pepcid AC and a bit of metamusil.  He then seemed hungry so
fed him some chicken baby food.  It seemed to be happening more often so
called my vet who told me it might be Insulinoma.  I asked her if it
could just be a tummy ache and maybe an acid reflux.  She said possibly,
but probably not.  But to keep trying the Pepcid AC schedule.
For the next 2 weeks, I gave him his 1/4 Pepcid AC and then fed him his
chicken babyfood...and no problems.  The rest of the day, he ate normal
kibble.  Then I decided to try taking him off the Pepcid AC.  Three days
later and the wet, foamy mouth was back this morning.
Other than this, he seems pretty healthy.  He is active and playful and
my "best friend".  He has had a very slight enlargement of his
spleen...but has been as such for at least a year and a half.
Any suggestions as to what this is?  Don't always feel we get the best
vet care here and haven't had good luck with surgeries so don't know that
we can go that route.  Right now I plan on going back to the Pepcid AC
and keep up with the bland diet.
Thanks for any help.
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[Posted in FML issue 4124]