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Wed, 16 Apr 2003 15:15:31 EDT
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Condolences to all who have lost a beloved baby, prayers and best wishes
to those who have babies who are ill.
I have a couple of quick questions that I need answers and advice on so I
may make informed decisions regarding my babies.
First off, I have two girls, Pepper and Bubbles, ages 6 and a half and
seven.  They received their rabies innoculation back in November.  I was
going to take them in for their distemper shot the next week.  In the
meantime, they both came down with the dreaded "greenies".  Some of you
may remember me posting about it at the time.  It took several months
of intensive care to pull the babies out of their distress.  It was the
middle and end of January before they were back to being themselves.
Needless to say, with them being ill, the distemper shot was put off
until they were feeling well.  Now, however, I am in a quandary as to
whether to go ahead with the shot or not.  They will be pre-treated
before going in.  I do this as a precaution with all the babies, whether
they have had a reaction before or not.  My girls have never had a
reaction to the distemper shot.  I know distemper is rearing its head
in several locations right now.  My vet knew of the one recent case in
Florida and she told me there has been an outbreak in Tennessee as well.
(I am in Alabama) I know the importance of vaccinating.  I just would
like advice from other ferret knowledgeable people on here who have dealt
with ECE and how soon after their babies were better before they had them
vaccinated for distemper.  All thoughts and advice will be more than
welcome on this.  I am really concerned not only because of the ECE but
also because of their age.  Also, I am not taking the risk of distemper
lightly.  I just need input from others who have been in this position
and what they did so I can make an informed decision.  Sorry, this really
wasn't in the form of a question! <smile>
For the second question.  I am recovering from a really bad head cold.
I have stayed away from the babies as much as possible, but can't
completely.  How do you manage a furkid if they come down with an upper
respiratory infection?  Once again, I am mainly concerned about my two
older ladies.  Any thoughts on diets, medications, etc.  will be greatly
On a happy note, I have to tell everyone about the fabulous boy my SO and
I rescued over the weekend.  His name is Simon ( the name Hot Rod that
the previous owners had stuck on him, just didn't fit him).  Simon is
about two years old.  A light sable.  He does not like children.  The
folks that had him had kids that picked at him and then wondered why
he would bite them!  The food he was being feed was about as close to
chicken mash as any I have ever encountered before.  I am mixing a little
of that in with the diet of Totally Ferret, Iams Kitten chow, and Supreme
that I feed my other two boys.  I am hoping to wean him off the other in
a couple of days.  He went to the vet on Monday.  He got his distemper
and rabies shots.  He had not had any since the owners had had him.  It
is amazing to the vet and I how soft and thick his fur is.  His teeth
were in great shape and his ears looked great!  We were totally
surprised.  I did treat him for fleas the night we brought him home.  No
sign of any parasite infections.  He was also given Fruit Loops at his
previous residence.  Needless to say, that won't be on his diet here!  I
do give a couple of Cheerios once in a great while, but don't do treats
that often.  I don't even know if he has ever been around other ferrets.
It will be interesting to see how he reacts when I finally introduce him
to his new brothers, Calvin and Blake.  That event will not happen for
about another ten days.  I am keeping him quarantined for two weeks
before I do any introductions.  This is a very loving and laid back young
man, except for children.  He is so full of love.  Loves to cuddle as
well.  Just had to share some happy news on a very welcome addition to
my furkid family.
For the love of ferrets and the human hearts they hold,
Pepper, Bubbles, Blake, Calvin, and Simon
At the bridge waiting for us - Sneezy, Rascal, Rosey, Nosey, and Sophie
[Posted in FML issue 4120]