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Mon, 14 Apr 2003 15:07:56 EDT
"Stephanie Sheme - Ferrets Etc." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
hello.  I would like to ask the help of anyone in Colorado.  As you know
Ferrets Etc.  is up and running again after a break.  For those who do
not know Ferrets Etc.  has been around for sometime, I opened the doors
in 93' and took in about 300 ferrets a year until my break started in
99', now I am back.
The problem is I am getting in tons of ferrets and none going out.  I
have 32 ferrets already, most over 5 years old.  Everyone seems to know
I have reopened for drop off but no adoptions.  This past weekend I saved
a ferret who was attacked by a dog I had to take him to the emergency vet
and paid 300.00 for him to be helped until I could get him to my vet.
Here in the problem lies if Ferrets Etc does not get the word out for
adoptions or maybe help getting a fund raiser going I am just going to
have to close the doors, which I would hate.  But After this big bill
and paying out of pocket for food and all, I can not pay my morgage this
month, explain that to the mortgage company :-) my ferrets come first.
I used to be able to foot most of Ferrets Etcs food bills and extra bills
but with two human children now I can not.  So if anyone out there has
any good fundraising ideas and can help organize something please give me
a e-mail.  The fuzzies are my world and I do not want to let them down,
but it is time I ask for help I can not do it alone anymore I did this
more or less alone for 10 years now I need some help and I do not see an
long lost rich relative leaving me any money in the near future :-)
Take care
[Posted in FML issue 4118]