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Sun, 13 Apr 2003 14:07:14 -0400
Kate Underwood <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
Hey everyone,
I adopted a new kit about a month ago.  She is a dark sable cutie named
Chelsea.  In the beginning, she was very confident, jumping all over and
play fighting (under close supervision) with my two older boys, Alfredo
and Bailey.  She would play with me constantly as well.
But now she is either extremely shy or scared.  I'm not sure which.
Her tail never bushes or anything, but if she hears a noise or sees me
walking towards or around her, she'll scamper off under the couch or
wherever the closest hiding spot is.  She'll do the same 90% of the
time that I reached for her.
I've been trying to carry ferrettone with me whenever they are out of the
cage.  Any time Chelsea does come close, I give her a couple licks off of
my fingers.  I can't really think of anything else that will help.
Has anyone had this problem?  Is there a way to solve it?  I don't mind
if she is just shy in personality.  I just want her to be comfortable
around me.
Thanks for any help,
Kate, Bailey, Alfredo, and Chelsea
[Posted in FML issue 4117]