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Wed, 26 Mar 2003 19:42:53 -0500
Melissa McDaniels <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (17 lines)
(Don't know why I didn't post this with the other one I already sent...
chalk it up to my scatterbrain this week...)
My uncle and I use the same vet and they always call him with owner
surrenders, so two days ago I get a phone call from him asking me if I
have room for one more.  Turns out some teenager is going off to spring
break and starting a new jib and doesn't have time for the 6 month old
female ferret he has.  His family isn't too happy about the ferret
either.  So of course I said yes!  The boy has taken taken good care of
her up till now and has been taking her to the same vet we use and Dr.
Lennoxz says she's sweet as can be and is up to date on all her shots.
So I feel pretty good about this one.  My uncle picks her up Saturday and
I'll probably get her Monday after I get off work.  This one will make 4!
(we only had two a month ago LOL the S.O. says, "NO MORE after this
one!"... yeah right...LOL)
[Posted in FML issue 4099]