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Sun, 2 Mar 2003 14:41:29 -0800
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I wasn't going to post about this, but I think some of the FML family is
being too harsh to Valerie.  (I would have posted this yesterday but got
stuck in the next town over all night...very long story.  anyhow)
I've noticed several people think Valerie dropped her ferrets off at an
animal shelter, or a ferret shelter, when from what I've read, she found
good loving homes for them, She didn't ask any one to find them homes,
SHE found them homes.  Valerie was putting her ferrets first in my
opinion, someone who didn't care would have not worried about finding
good homes for them if they were going in to the military(or some other
major life altering situation).  Valerie was willing to put her life on
the line for our freedom, including the freedom to criticize her for her
actions, which in my opinion she handled very well.
I've also noticed several people stating that if this was a child and not
a fur-kid she would not be allowed to ask for the child back.  In several
states the birth mother has the right to demand the child back with in
one years time of the adoption (I believe California is one of the States
that does this).  There are also adoptions that are called "Open
Adoption" and the birth mother is allowed to come in and visit her child
any time she wants.  So using the analogy that it's like the adoption of
a child, she still has the right to ask for buckie back if she so chooses
(which she has stated she is not going to do).  She also has the right to
ask for the other ferrets back, which she never even mentioned that she
wanted to ask for them back in the first place.
As to some people not wanting to adopt to ferrets out to "young" people,
my opinion is this: I know a lot of "young" people who are more
responsible and better able to take care of a ferret then a lot of
"older" people who both might apply to adopt.  I think not adopting
to someone just because of there age, is like racism.  I guess it
would be 'ageism'...
Any how, That's my two-cents worth, and my opinion.  I applaud Valerie,
and Kudos to her, and I wish her her luck in any endeavor she chooses to
pre sue.
  -- Dooks, Heather and Crew
[Posted in FML issue 4075]