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Sat, 1 Mar 2003 02:59:42 -0800
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Hello All,
I haven t been a member of the list for some time, but I recently got
back here... I ve had ferrets for the past 4 years (I ve been in love
with them LONG before that though) but I ve also been a vegetarian for
the past about 6 years.  I m familiar with PETA and there opinions on
animals, I also used to believe in what PETA "stood" for, but the more I
look at what they do and how they do it, and there opinions I don t agree
with them in the, the only thing I can agree with them on is animals
deserve more rights then they get.
Along with 3 fuzzys, I also have 3 dogs who are so "tortured" that's
why there dozing at my feet right now, or my "in slaved" cat who's
allowed free run in or out of my home.  and my horse, who's so "brutally
enslaved" that I ride her, but the fact of the matter is if it wasn't for
me there's a good chance she might not still be alive (due to starvation,
and cruel treatment by former owners) I also love rodeos, and I m in the
process of training my mare to barrel race.  PETA insists working an
animal at all in any form is totally cruel and unusual punishment, but
don't we get up and go to work every day?  so in line with that logic,
we shouldn't get up and try to earn a living because that's "cruel" we
should just starve and live in caves I suppose.  We also shouldn't keep
animals in our homes as our companions, I ve asked my dogs about this,
and they seem to disagree.  So if you really take in to consideration
what PETA really does when you get down to it, they take it far beyond
the line in my opinion.  If any one doesn't like what I ve said, I m
sorry and I m not trying to offend any one, this is just the way I see
things, and it's my opinion.
From what I can ascertain PETA seems to think *all* animals should be
totally wild and we should be there main food source, which this actually
brings to mind a book... "animal farm" but any how.  This is my two-cents
worth on the subject and I m gonna sign off now.  it's great to be back
on the list thou, and I hope to post more soon.
   --Heather, and the fuzz-balls, Storm Trooper, Lilly
And Rizzo The Fur-Rats
[Posted in FML issue 4074]