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Mon, 27 Jan 2003 07:43:59 -0500
LEO HUSER <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (65 lines)
To Risa on the quotes!  Hw funny.and how true.  They sound like something
on out of the book "500 Things my Ferret Told Me".   Keep posting them!
Makes me laugh.and the FML needs it!
To all who are arguing about sanctuaries vs shelters/rescues.  Quit
arguing.  There are more important things to discuss on the FML, isn't
there?  I will admit, I haven't read most of the posts about what you all
seem to have a problem with, but what I have seen has not been nice.
Everyone has a different way to handle everything.  Why do you guys feel
the need to down what one person is doing?  Has anyone every seen any of
thses sanctuaries/shelters?  Or are you just going by words sent you on
an e-mail?  Before you get nasty and flame someone, why don't you go look
at the place and get proof.  The discussion is getting rather heated, and
I think it needs to stop.  As long as ferrets are being helped, isn't
that what should be important?  If you all claim to love ferrets, let
them live where they are, as long as they are being taken care of and not
abused.  No one has the true answer to anything, and I wish that people
would get off of their high horse and quit acting superior to those who
don't so the same things that you do.  You find us the right way and the
wrong way on how to help ferrets.  I have yet to see the rules written
down anywhere.  Is there a secret society of ferret people who know the
exact way to take care of ferrets and the way the home should be and what
it should be called?  If someone chooses to call their place a sanctuary
or a shelter, that is their perogative.  What is in a name?  Big deal.  I
know lady in town that calls her place a halfway house for ferrets.
Gee.aren't halfway houses for people with drug problems?  Well, I don't
think the ferrets have any drug problems.  That is just the name that she
choose to call her place.  She does wonderful things for ferrets, and for
the midwest.  Why did certain people choose to name their ferrets some of
the names that they did?  It is all personal discretion.  Is it then too
worong, to give ferrets certain names?  C'mon guys.  Who cares what
Webster's dictionary meaning of a word is.  The ferrets are being taken
care of, and are not in the situations that they used to be in.  Isn't
that pretty important?  Maybe they will never get adopted out again.
What really is so wrong with that?  They aren't being bounced from home
to home, and there is someone there to take care of them.  It is like
children in foster homes.  No one wants those kids to be bounced from
home to home, so look at it the same way with ferrets.  If they stay with
their foster mom or caretaker, what is the harm?  I don't think that
there isn't any.  As long as they are well cared for and live a ferrety
life, there shouldn't be a darn thing wrong with it.  Then again, I am
sure I am wrong in someones eyes.  So go ahead and disect my words.
Please quit being mean to everyone about this.  Again, I haven't read
all of the posts, becase when I scan them, they are usually mean.  When
I come onto FML, I look for nice things, not negative things.  Is that
the purpose of the FML?  Is it called the "Flaming Mailing List" now?
I just joined not too long ago, and I am pretty dissappointed thus far.
I wanted to read nice things that people say about ferrets, but it looks
like ferret owners want to be negative towards other owners.  As long as
ferrets are happy, being taken care of, isn't that the important part?
Isn't that why we all have ferrets.?
The feral ferret conversations have finally dropped, now let this drop.
These are ferrets with a home, and not being abused and ignored.
I am expecting I too will be flamed, but hey, why just flame a few
people.go ahead and add me to the list!  I just couldn't sit back and
not say something.  Let's talk about beneficial things.  I heard such
wonderful things about the FML, but since I have been here, there has
alwaysbeen numerous posts of negative stuff.
**Angela and her fuzzy crew of 9
[Posted in FML issue 4041]