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Fri, 24 Jan 2003 06:46:01 -0800
christine herman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (139 lines)
To the FMl and Barbera,
 First, let me say that Kim is an e-mail friend of mine.I know her only
in this way and she has been more than kind to me.  I know she has a good
heart.  She stated that she personally has about 19 ferrets.I cannot
asertain her motives for this or her ability to cope with this.  I know
she cares deeply for them.  I am sure she keeps them in good conditions
and gives them lots of TLC.I know recently one of her boys had adrenal
surgery.I think she is a loving person.
All that being said... I believe that many people who go into
shelter/sanctuary work do so for a lot of hidden reasons besides love
of the animal.  I have worked with many groups, and sometimes a persons
agenda works well, sometimes it goes horribly wrong.  A lot of the
reasons animal rescue is a big part of my life is, not only do I love
ferrets in a pure way, but I personally have a bad history, and "rescue"
helps me deal with issues of compassion,love,trust,aiding the defensless.
etc. etc. etc.
The ferrets benefit most from the private axe I have to grind.  It is a
win/win deal.  becasue I have learned where I leave off and the ferrets
need begins.  I am being very candid in saying this and it is not
something I generally discuss.  ( and only recently realized) .  So
for every rescuer, there are deeper reasons for the work they do and
ATTITUDES they take to it.This is human nature in all circumstances.
First and foremost should be love and delight in the animal.If first and
foremost is your own agenda., then you belong elsewhere besides the human
in charge.
So when "critisized" people who do not realize all their reasons for what
they do, go on the defense.They can be unreasonable to the point of being
counterproductive and even dangerous to their charges.The most extreme
case of this was a woman in South Jersey many years ago, who ran a
'sanctuary'.  She began years before with good intentions, soon became
overwhelmed by the amount of work.money etc.  and the ferrets suffered
greatly.They were caged in small pens, airless and dark boxes outside.
Many were left unfed, and the dead left in cages with the living.The
woman was brought to court and her shelter license revoked.  But she
claimed innocence, benevolent intentions gone awry and she promised not
to let it get out of control again.  She planned to reopen in another
state.  The woman claimed not to be an abusive monster even though her
place was the Aushwitz for ferrets.  She was blind to her own limits and
motivations for doing what she did.  and in the end it was the animals
who suffered for her rightousness.
In other words , her motives for running a shelter proved to be more
important to her than the actual wellbeing of the animal.  She had been
offered help and had refused it.She had been offered funds and refused
them.  In the end all she had to show for her intentions were
dead,traumatized and abused ferrets.She called her place a sancturary.
This is of course a case of extremes.  I am not claming this to be the
case with the zoo.  I looked at their website and the ferrets looked
clean ,well fed, and cared for.I am sure they are loved and get medical
attention when necessary.  Excercise etc. etc. etc.
I do however question a no adoption policy.It seems from my experience
that abused and traumatized animals, need if anything, a smaller quieter
environmment and a lot of one on one attention.Ferrets who are not abused
and merely no longer wanted by former owners definitly deserve the chance
to be someones one and only love bug... or to be loved along with a
companion ferret.Nothing takes the place of a private home with
family,one on one love and care.
I have taken in many ferrets who came from abuse and neglect so serious
it was heart wrenching.To put them through any more hardship was out of
the question, but to ( eventually) find a private loving home where they
could continue rehabilitation and given TLC was NOT out of the question.
There are many loving individuals out there willing to give all I could
give and then some , to a particular animal.  They just had to be found
and informed on how to live with that PARTICULAR ferret.
So again you have to question human motivation, even benign motivation.
Where do your own concerns and philosophies end and a PARTICULAR ferrets
needs begin?  Where do you draw the line between your own needs and the
needs of the animal.If you cannot let go , why can't you let go?.  Not
letting go is not just a matter of love.
I have had owners of ferrets give them up to me with broken hearts and
tears becasue they loved them but could no longer keep and care for them
for a variety of reasons.
Who is benefiting the most here??  If you are sacrificing yourself for
the sanctuary work..  why?.  Why are you martyring yourself?.  Who's axe
are you really grinding here?  .  Yes the animal is saved, but why not
take it a step furthur, why assume it is you and only you who can do
permenant justice to that PArticular ferret?  Why are YOU intentionally
subjecting yourself to such stress?  ..Is it all in the name of pure and
altruistic love?.  or are there deeper reasons for such selfless
Sometimes those reasons can work and keep on working..  but what will you
do if they stop working???  Who will pay the biggest price for your being
overwhelmed?.  I understand as much as anyone the responsibilities of
24/7 care of beings in need.  and the toll of that need on emotions ,
stress and resources.
In a world full of kill shelters, dark and dreadfull warehouse conditons,
inept pet shops,cruel owners, and puppy pounds... a place like the zoo
sanctuary serves a great purpose.BUT a blanket no adoption policy is
closed minded.It is also ego centric to believe that your place and only
your place can do justice to every ferret that crosses your threshold.
.Who's pain is really being salved the most here??
I am the mother of human children as well as fuzzy children.  There is a
saying that if you love them you have to know when to let them go.Having
56 ferrets together is like an orphanage.  It is like warehousing
orphans.Some orphanages actually hang onto the human kids for their own
reasons, but does'nt every kid, human or fuzzbut deserve a chance to be
someones special little guy.
I have taken in ferrets that were the vitcims of serous neglect and
abuse, I gave them my love, time, money for medical expenses ,kept up
round the clock feedings and meds.  worked hard to regain their trust
in humans...etc.  etc.  I have done what many do..but I also knew when
it was in the ferrets best interest , when it was time to find them a
special home.Don;t think I was not heart broken to see some of them go
and that i do not keep in touch with them still.  I loved them and still
love all of them, but if selfish ego centric love is my style.  then
what sort of guardian am I really??
If my purpose was to bring a particular animal back from the brink or
shelter them when no one else wanted them..  then I achieved that
purpose.  I did give shelter and sancutary.But for me to have a no
adoption policy suits my concerns and not that ferret's.The bond a
ferret formed with me was gradually ,gently,and slowly transfered to
someone else.
Give people and ferrets credit for being adapable and responding to
love.Humans can adapt and move on after abuse and tragedy and so can a
ferret.Every animal, like every person, deserves their own special place
and to be the star of that place if at all possible.
I apologize if this opinion is not so popular, but if we are the
guardians and trust keepers for those that cannot speak for themsleves.,
should'nt we examine our own hearts , minds and motivations.
Peace, Christine
[Posted in FML issue 4038]