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Tue, 21 Jan 2003 14:16:09 -0600
Tina Cox <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
I would like to clarify the needs of the Oklahoma Ferret Shelter at this
time.  I've had some questions about what the dollar donation would be
used towards.  Basically I take in any ferret that needs a home.  Sick
or not... I do not discriminate.  I will expand my facility as is needed.
I am a relatively new shelter.  More and more people are learning of my
existence and therefore I am getting in more ferrets.  Fortunately.  I've
been able to place a few of them in loving homes.  I expect that the
rescue is going to outgrow my home within the next 6 months.
So basically I am fundraising for the following reasons:
1. 2 need adrenal surgery
2. Basic maintenance of ferrets & shelter (food, cleaning supplies,
shelter utilities, laundry costs, bedding, treats, flea control, first
aid, litter, ADV test kits, Vitamins/supplements, etc)
3. At this time I have 12 in my shelter - with 4 others coming next
weekend.  Several are not adoptable at this point (biting, etc.)
4. Vaccinations that are due.
5. $500.00 vet bill for the chronic urinary tract problem of one ferret
that has left for the bridge.
6. Raising funds to be able to obtain a larger shelter space and move
the shelter out of my home as it grows larger.
I have received several donations of bedding, water bottles, etc.  I am
so thankful to all of you who have taken the time to do that for us!
As I'm sure it's not new to you that run shelters.  this shelter runs
completely out of my pocket.  I am just recently starting some
fundraising ideas.  Thanks to the many suggestions of you guys.
[Posted in FML issue 4035]