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Fri, 3 Jan 2003 02:21:43 EST
Mary Conley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
>has anyone ever tried kava kava ...or even St. Johns Wort on their
>ferrets?  it's suppose to take away anxiety for terrified/frightened
>ferrets (& other beings).  if ferrets are frightened (from being abused
>for a long time or trama they cant get over) it 'supposedly' helps them.
>just wondering, haven't tried it!  but if a fert was on valium, for not
>eating & SO frightened of people to the point it refused ALL feedings
>(even from chicken gravy .... & so on) wouldnt kava kava be another
>alternative instead of valium?  i dont want any hate-mail back saying
>negative things, Please, but warnings of the dangers it could cause from
>kava kava or St. John's would be wonderful!  i looked all over & havent
>found anything stating they were dangerous, or toxic, but if you know of
>any side effects that would be great to share.
Hi Kim ~
No, please do not give your fuzzies either herb.  Kava is very strong
and even in humans, I make my own tinctures, and use one drop a day for
most folks.  It puts them out like a light.  St. Johns Wort (SJW) is
classified as an SSRI (serotinin reuptake inhibitor) and as such can mess
up hormonal balances.  There are plenty of lighter, more benign flower
essences for the conditions you describe.  I did two posts listing all of
the essences appropriate for animals a few months ago.  I hope they're in
the archives.
Warmly ~
The Conley Farm - organic herbs
Online Classes ~ [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 4017]