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Tue, 31 Dec 2002 06:08:30 EST
Suzanne Winnie <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
I have read more than a few postings about the case of the dead kits and
everyone's wonderful advise also a few success stories and with heartache
many more not so success stories.  I used to breed and show the kids
before I moved on to the much more satisfying honor of sheltering them
instead.  However, when I did breed I had, on occasion a kit or more that
needed complete feedings or supplemental feedings and have always relied
on, with great success the glass, rounded tip eye droppers you can pick
up at any pharmacy over the counter for a very cheap price.  The tips on
these droppers are so much better than plastic syringe (not so scratchy)
and kits seem to be able to suck from these quite well, it also seems to
keep the amount of air they swallow down a bit better.  Using this type
of dropper, I never lost a kit and they are also easy to keep clean using
q-tips.  I wish all of you luck.  I had maybe less than a handful of kits
that needed the extra help as I always made sure I never over bred, nor
bred too many jills at any given time.  I don't breed anymore nor am I
currently owned by any babies but I still would recommend this type of
eye dropper for kits to anyone.  Good luck to you all.
Hug the babies and prayers to those of you that have a lost a baby.  God
[Posted in FML issue 4014]