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Mon, 9 Dec 2002 05:48:19 -0800
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>Even though I am virtually a stranger nowadays, I want to add my 2
>cents to the question of why people would take in ferrets that they
>can't afford: Because To Many Of You Aren't!!!!!!!!
Deena, thank you for saying what didn't come to my mind...funny thing is
that I've said this sooooo many times before.  This is unfortunatelya
path to a new topic.....breeding.  Not just ferrets but every companion
animal there is.  There is a solution to the need for rescues.  Problem
is getting the law passed.  Here is my solution.
1. Stop the breeding of ALL animals until the shelters are virtually
empty.  Everything is being over bred, hence the need for rescuing.  Make
breeding a private business only.  Limit the number of animals you may
breed at your facility.  Shut down the farms..  ALL of them..  and you'll
see a decrease in ADV too.  Every single person that wishes to become a
companion to an animal must be screened as if you were adopting a human
child.  A life is a life and both human and animal are deserving of the
best life has to offer.
2. Outlaw large reptile breeding.  ..just a second.  I got a Tazzy
scratchin at my leg for lap time and oh yes, some Ferretone would be very
nice too.  "Momma, I see you keep a little stash bottle next to the
puter.  May I have some please?  " There is absolutely no reason to keep
large reptiles in your home.  Love em?  Go to the zoo.
Ok, I'm off the soapbox, and please no flames about our rights as humans
to breed or do whatever we want..freedom, blah blah blah.  The human race
as a whole has really put the screws to animals, domestic and wild and
it's time we make amends.  Animals are lives, not posessions.  I have a
little loving guy in my lap right now that did not ask to be surrendered.
He did not come into this world to be shuffled around and removed from
his human companion.  But it happened...and it won't happen again.  I
have several kids that are permanent residents.  That does not make me a
"collector" as an email I received suggested.  It makes me a caregiver
for life.  These animals deserved this from the start and for some, their
home shuffling ends with me.
If every person wanting an animal companion rescued just one, think of
the difference it would make.
Fuzzy Hugs from Kim and da kids at Somethin Up My Sleeve Rescue
Ask me how you can virtually eliminate the need for veterinary dental
[Posted in FML issue 3992]