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Mon, 25 Nov 2002 06:54:18 -0600
wesley hurley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (88 lines)
The True Story of Falcor LuckDragon & Katie O'Cato,  by Susie Lee
Once upon a time, in the State of Missisippi, in a cat-and-dog shelter
along the Gulf Coast area, a ferret Named Falcor was turned in to the
county animal shelter along with four other companion-ferrets, one of
whom was named Cato (as Cato is a girl-ferret, she was re-named Katie
O'Cato so that from then-on everyone would please definitely understand
that Katie IS a girl).
Falcor, as everyone knows, is the name of the Luck Dragon from
Neverending Story, so that this is, quite naturally, "Falcor
LuckDragon"'s Whole Name!
Very soon after Falcor and his four cage-mates were turned in to the
Mississippi animal shelter, a man named Wes Hurley was driving through
the area, and a "little voice" told him to stop there, so he did.  Now
Wes was, at this time, already running a small-animal Rescue and
Sanctuary, with his little hobbit-like wife, Susie Lee-Hurley, back in
Pensacola, and they had care of some 22 other ferrets at that time, so
that they understood ferret care, and were concerned about these five
who had been "dumped" in the Mississippi shelter.
Wes wanted to take the care of the five ferrets straight away, but the
folks running it said, no, that they were required to keep any new
animals for five days, so Wes left his information and did return five
days later.
What should he find, on return, but that three of Falcor and Katie's
cage-mates had already been put to death at that shelter, and that Falcor
would be "next" for reportedly having bitten a girl who was allowed to
squeeze him might too tightly.
Wes put his foot down, then, and paid for the release of the two
remaining, lonesome ferrets.  When they came to the Pensacola Ferret
and Dove Animal Rescue, they were each matted and dirty, and thin.  So
both ferrets were treated to fun bubble-baths (Falcor likes the warm
water, and tries to play in it!, Katie stays ver-ry still, just soaking
in the gentle warmth) , and food that's not mostly corn, such as most
store-shelf cat foods are, with which the ferrets had been fed.  Now
they got chicken-and-rice kibble, with extra ferret-vitamins, and some
ferretone to replace the lost oils in their skin and coats.  Soon they
were both sleek and fluffy and happily bouncing ferrets.
And then, one day, after they were well-recovered, a nice couple came
in to see about adopting two ferrets.  The husband had built a spacious
home-made cage, and the wife loved both Falcor Luckdragon and Katie
O'Cato very dearly, and insisted she could easily look after both of
them as well as her two young children.
So, for a two months, they were adopted-out to their new family and
played happily.until ONE day, Katie was missed, and in looking for her,
their new adoptive parents realized that she must have gotten outside
when their three-year-old tot opened the door.
Searching outside, they found Katie under the house, with their
rottweiler blocking her way.she could not come out.  Getting a squeak-toy
from inside, Katie was coaxed out, and then, like lightning, their pet
dog clamped his teeth down over little Katie.
Everyone screamed.  Even Falcor.
Katie was rushed to the emergency animal hospital in Pensacola barely
breatheing, but still alive.  Then to her original veterinarian's , with
the Pensacola Ferret Rescue, Ferry Pass Animal Hospital, where Dr. Chew
saved her life and had to put nearly fifteen stitches and five staples
with a "drain" (for pussy exudates) to hold little Katie together like
a ferrety "humpty-dumpty".  The next day, Katie was brought back to the
Pensacola Ferret Rescue along with good ol' Falcor.  Just as soon as
they touched noses, again, little Katie's eyes brightened, and from that
point, Falcor stayed very close to keep his last cage-mate warm and give
her the emotional support she desperately needed to grow well, again.
Falcor never left Katie's side, and we feel his stoic faithfulness was
very much a part of little Katie's recovery.  She cannot "arch" her back
any more, like other ferrets, but she has healed in every other wise and
has made a recovery back to health with dear Falcor LuckDragon's
steadfast help and support.
When they are out for their playtime, Falcor LuckDragon runs
"interference", checking out the area ahead of Katie and seeing to it
that all is Safe.
This is why Falcor regularly chases "out" and nips at the heels of each
cat (we have 8) to keep them all away from Katie, every single day.
They're estimated to be around six years old, each, now.  True and
steadfast friends who teach us new lessons in loyalty what true
friendship is, Every Day.
[Posted in FML issue 3978]