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Sat, 16 Nov 2002 14:08:57 -0800
kim humm <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (119 lines)
hey guys,
first off i want to thank Lisette, for her 'Pain Control' info she got
from her seminars.  this info she copied for me is not only valuable, but
it took her hours of her time, and i do mean hours, if not, days!  to
think she offered to do this-(in return that s why i m trying to help out
if you'd scroll down & read)-to help someone out of her own time, tells
you something.  it tells you how sweet & BIG this ferret lovers heart is.
i do not know any of my friends who would be willing and offer to copy
the hundreds of pages she did...& she payed to deliver it.  what a
sweetheart!  huh guys?
again, Thank You LISETTE!!! ---------> :))
one more thing: a very special little girl, named Button, just got her
pair of wheels-ok so i just wanted to use that phrase.  she got her
bouncing, playful, happy life back.  button is a 3 to 4yr old special
fert, with adrenal disease :( i rescued her from a family who didnt know
or really care enough about her.  when she first arrived into my home,
she was a bit bald on her tail.  i simply thought it was just her fur
coat shedding & it would replenish itself within time, after good food, &
no more pine-type shavings!!!  also she had an infection, (sneeze,
sneeze) so i gave her some algon & after 2 weeks was feeling better!  i
decided never again to put her in a cage (*even if it is a nice one)
unless she wished to do so, or was naughty and for one, long, whole,
miserable, minute was cage bound.  still, life was getting good, maybe to
good?  she started to sleep all cuddled up next to me.  oh how good that
felt!  she excepted me.  she loved me -just as much as i loved her.(*one
night after being in a deep dream, i felt something squirm around &
thought it was a huge, furry?  creepy, crawling all around my toes,
cockroach!..... i must have screamed at the top of my lungs!  boy, did
that scare the poop outa her!  lol ) -
anyways, she took a turn for the worse shortly after a few weeks.  did
she have another infection?  no, she did not.  it was then i realized
this was not normal behavior.  my heart must have burst at that point
realizing the symptoms were all connected to adrenal disease.  i knew
something was to be done & quickly.  i never expected she would get so
expensive though.
ya, i know what your thinking, "darn those kids these days, no
responsibility, none at all.  back in my days, kids your age...." but
i spent a great deal of $ on her when she first captured my heart.
after what she'd been through, she deserved the very, very, best.  And i
intended to give her just that.  im young though, in school, & knew my
family would literally disown me if i spent another $500 or more on her-
instead of helping out w/ a family crisis & buying all my books & paying
for my tuition (only 17!).  so, i did my homework- found shelters, called
around.  i must have sent 8 or 9 emails praying something wonderful would
turn up.  i cried so hard though, i barely could see the keyboard to try
& type.  the part stating, "please take in my little girl, button, if you
can help her.  i cant watch her suffer like this.  if i have to find &
give her another home, i will.  at this point all i did was worry.  i
was so upset she'd be in a cage, she doesnt like cages.  ( she'd scream
bloody murder after a few mins alone in that thing, i dont blame her.  i
would too.)
well, out of all the letters sent, only one got a response.  a caring,
gentle man named Pat Elmore (Mr. Elmore).  he wrote he could get a bit
of a discount & wanted to help this sweetie in anyway he could - My Hero.
he needed to know how soon HE could come to pick her up & where i lived.
What a man!  he drove the distance & in one week was at my door.  i know
he must have seen how hurt inside i was as he drove away.  i wrote to him
over the 2 months on her recovery.  Mr. Elmore fell absolutely in love
with button, just as i knew he would.  she not only recovered, - she
ended up being in*excellent condition* quickly after-thank G-D!
anyways, he called a few days ago & gave me another wonderful surprise.
guess what?  he wants MY LITTLE ANGEL TO COME HOME!!!  (& with a special
addition to add to my family, which Mr. Elmore, knew i was dieing for)
you have no idea how all this has touched me.  what gets me the most
is how much his heart goes out to these fuzzies, -every1 of them is
different, but everyone is loved just the same.  he never asked for a
money donation, of course every month he'll receive one from me, but he
did ask me one very special thing.  Mr. Elmore has 28+ ferts.  right now-
20 or so are permanent residents, unable to be adopted.  there are sick,
they are old & only a few can be are adoptabed, all this, at his house.
one older girlie, named Fuzzy J., that had the same operation as my
button, both adrenal glands removed.  she had the surgery the week after
button, except her recovery was a 'hit & go' multiple things were wrong
with her.  the right adrenal gland this time, had the huge tumor.  And
they ended up having to find only more growths in her body & other
illnesses.  she had a TERRIBLE time in recovering, unlike my baby who
sprung back into action right away.  they've been the best of friends
since button got there.  *so when he asked me a week ago if I could take
in (!)fuzzy j, i was out of breath!  of course i would!!  -you can never
have to much of a good thing!-
so i ended up with an early holiday gift.  my long story turned out to
be one of the happiest & best i could have gotten & expected:)  well now,
why am i still hurting inside?  Mr. Elmore has so many babies which have
tests,exams, and shots and surgerys...and, you get the point.  only one
other person right now supports him w/ $10 a month :( (i will soon make 2
though) but that's not enough you guys.  the rest comes out of his pocket
book.  like i stated b4 -My Hero, What a Man (and what a big ol heart).
im asking you, w/ a big pout :( on my face, to please (w/ ferretvite &
whipping cream on top)to help a man with ferret at heart, out.
thank you all so much for all your time.  if you know a website that can
add him to a support list or if i can email certain people, specifically?
animal lovers???w/ his web page, asking for some help out w/ donations?
*dont want to disturb anyone or have them angry at me- trying to avoid
getting myself into any *mischievous* trouble :)
-please, let me know, email me.  by the way, he doesnt know i am asking
others to help him as he has helped me.  (blush)  i want to get him a
ferret dad type award trophy of some sort?  (have it engraved?) i owe it
to him to help out as much as i can.
so what i ve learned is there are people like Lisette & Pat Elmore out
there who make this world a better, friendlier place to live in. :)  -all
the kindness you share with others i do greatly appreciate.  i cannot ask
for anything more.  just to see the old, or sick ferts "talking" and to
ferret dance around again would be wonderful.  thanks again to all
-kimberly humm - i will send pic s of the two girls as soon as i can.
they should be smiling as i cant stop :))
[Posted in FML issue 3969]