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Mon, 27 Jan 2003 09:08:06 -0700
text/plain (34 lines)
I just finished reading Richard Bach's Rescue Ferrets at Sea and thought
it was great!  Easy to read but so much meaning.  I look forward to
getting the next two in the Ferret Chronicles series.  I have not read
any comments about the book on the list so am wondering what others think
about it.
A quick question about cage mates.  I have two fuzz butts that I
currently have in separate cages.  I notice that a few times they have
snuck off somewhere to sleep together.  Is this a sign that they may
want to be cage mates?  To make it a little more complicated, My vet
and I suspect Hoppy may have lymphosarcoma.  We are still in the
diagnostic state but I am trying to be realistic.  Is it better to
have a cage mate and lost than never have a cage mate?
One more comment.  Just had a scare yesterday.  Girlita found the door
to the garage opened and went there to 'splore.  Fortunately, we saw her
running on the wrong side of the door and quickly got her back to safety.
Us humans in the family are _always_ so careful to keep that door closed.
It just goes to show that we are only human and can goof up and cause a
possible disaster.
William M. Davidson
[log in to unmask]
1704 Blume, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
505 294 4571
Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they
don't want, to impress people they don't like.
-Will Rogers
[Posted in FML issue 4041]