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Tue, 17 Dec 2002 08:22:08 -0800
Melissa Murray <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
Over a year ago, my husband and I met with some friends who we'd only
known online.  Two of them- a couple- were ferret owners and had told me
a lot about them before we met.  Eventually I got to meet their ferrets,
at the time four little bundles of fur and fun.  I absolutely fell in
love with these creatures that I'd never had contact with before, and
decided that this was the kind of pet that I'd like to have in our home.
Later, my husband and I discussed it and agreed that we'd look into it.
The research began.  I read websites, books, guides, veterinary writings,
the whole kit.  I was going to be ready for what was going to happen, and
we'd have one.. maybe two ferrets, max.
Little did I know that our friends were plotting with my husband to bring
our first ferret into our lives.  Thus, on April 20th, 2001, Tomoyo was
placed in my hands and introduced to me.  It was instant love.  I was
certain that we'd probably never get more than one more ferret..
eventually.  Of course, on our way out to Ohio for our wedding, this
took a sudden change.
Ferret Math.
Oh, we only needed litter and a box for the cat that we were transporting
to a new home.  It wouldn't hurt for my friend and I to look at the
ferrets while my husband picked things out for the cat.  No harm in it at
all!  If only I'd known.  ;) What we saw was one lone ferret separated
from the 'new batch' and laying, stretched out like a person, on his
back.  He was sound asleep and would NOT wake up.  We asked to hold him.
Mistake #1.
This boy then proceeded to cover two female faces with weasel kisses, and
I melted.  My husband held him, he flipped over, gave him the 'I wuuuuv
you' look.  Yuuhi came home with us that day.
Kokie came into the picture later, and this is where allergies come in.
Kokie's story is known, and I need not repeat it.  Suffice it to say that
he _requires_ his daily dose of cuddling or he becomes stressed and
restless.  After our darkest boy was healthy enough for play, I noticed
something peculiar.  I began to itch along my jaw-line and neck after I'd
cuddle him.  His smell is a bit muskier than our other three- yes, we
were hit by the math- babies, but he's healthy.  It's just that his
particular brand of oil irritates my skin.
He still gets his cuddles, we're not getting rid of the ferrets, and I
could support an itch cream company all by myself. ;)  Now, if my allergy
were going to effect his quality of life?  Well, I'd have to think about
it.  He's incredilbly bonded to my husband and I, and I'd probably go
after any sort of treatment I could.  I can't accuse or blame people who
rehome their pets due to extreme allergies, though.  If you die from the
reaction, they'll have to be rehomed, too.
[Posted in FML issue 4000]