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Fri, 29 Nov 2002 19:03:27 EST
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For those that had inquired privately, Chipper's necropsy (autopsy)
report came in.  I won't go into Chipper's 8+ years medical history, only
that she was diagnosed with insulinoma about 1.5 years ago and had been
on Pedi-Pred daily since.  It was a mild case, thankfully.  In October,
an x-ray showed a large hard mass attached to her spleen.
So, I was in semi-shock when Dr. Hudson's vet-daughter told me his
findings in the necropsy:
Lymphosarcoma of the spleen and GI tract.  The GI tract was almost
swollen closed.  The blood that she had passed twice in the spring and
again the day she was helped along her journey two weeks ago was from the
GI tract wall that was deteriorating due to the lymphosarcoma.  (This is
my best recollection, in layman terms, of what the vet told me.)
There are two different types of lymphoma - (medical word challenged, but
I'll give it a shot) - Type A is swollen lymph nodes under the arm pits,
back leg pits, etc.  Type B is in an organ, i.e., her spleen.
I don't know how we could have found this earlier - she was not a
surgical candidate.  Hudson wouldn't even put her under anesthesia
just to clean her gingivitis.
I hope this info helps other ferret slaves or our FML/FHL vets and your
own personal vet.
Thank you all that wrote me condolences.  It does make a difference.
Shari Gunter
[Posted in FML issue 3982]