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Tue, 22 Apr 2003 22:29:40 -0400
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Hello FML,
I recently rescued two ferrets and did not want to place them into a home
until they had been nurtured back to health.  They are now doing great
and are looking for a very loving home.  Here are the details (from what
we could gather from previous owner):
Male Ferret:
Name is Felix, Sable color, approx.  1 year old, very active/playful.
Name is Gracie (Grace), Silver Mitt, approx. 1 to 1 1/2 years old, very
petite and loveable.
Both ferrets I rescued from someone who was neglecting them and never let
them out of their cages or provided with food/water.  When they did get
to eat, it was a few kibbles of "Tender Vittles" Seafood.  Their nails
had never been clipped, nor had their ears been cleaned.  Their bedding
was never washed (I had to throw it all away it was so disgusting).
Gracie (Grace) (I just named her that, as she did not have a name) was
extremely skinny, every bone visible in her body.  She has been taken to
the vet (weighed slightly under a pound) and other than malnutrition,
checked out okay (she has been treated for earmites).  Felix is a
healthy, very active boy.  The two of them get along great and are
enjoying the entire roam of my house and sleeping in snuggly
hammocks/blankets.  They are being fed Totally Ferret and Eukanuba mix
right now and they love it!  Of course they also like all the other
treats and ferretone as well!
I need to place these two into a very loving home, one where they will
never have to wonder when their next meal might be and when/if they will
ever get out of a cage.  These two are extremly loveable (aren't they
all) and it will be very hard to say goodbye to them, but I have three of
my own right now (two recently passed away) and they are older.  I do not
have the extra time to allow for three separate play times (mine right
now have to be divided into two already since the one does not get along
with the other two).
So please contact me if you can provide these two the love and happiness
they so deserve.  They do have a standup superpet cage that could go with
them if someone wanted it.  I am not asking anything for them, just a
wonderful home!  You can contact me during the day at [log in to unmask]
or after 5 pm (eastern time) at [log in to unmask]
Thank you!
Have a warm *fuzzy* day!
Tracy J.
Chico, Roo(RooBear) & Leah  and Felix & Gracie(Grace) looking for a
loving home.
(Missing my fur angels....Spunky, Pepe' and Tango)
[Posted in FML issue 4126]