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Tue, 15 Apr 2003 15:09:40 -0400
text/plain (37 lines)
As a member of the FML list and a ferret owner and the offender of using
the image from Ferret Haven I would like to put this matter to rest with
this explaination.
On September 29 2002 my ferret Rascal went to the Rainbow Bridge and I
wanted to do a memorial page in his honor.Not having any ferret related
images I posted to the groups that I belonged to asking for free images
a number were sent to me by a lot of members included was the image in
question all were sent to me by more than one person.I did the memorial
page in Rascal's honor.I had never been to the Ferret Haven site so I
had not seen the image there.
Most of the images on the site were AJ's designs and his mark is on them
and he has given permission for use on personal sites non commerical.
Upon being contacted by Lisa of Ferret Haven and her webmaster the image
was removed from my site.  Also I visited the Ferret Haven site and read
the information in her section legal information.Not to prelong this
debate but the copyright date is 2003 my site for rascal was put up in
I have respect for all copyrighted material as I also am a webmaster and
do my own designs.
Feel free to visit any of my sites and you will see that credit is given
for any material that is used that was designed by any one other than me.
I hope that this will clear this matter up and put a rest to the debate
on this list.
Big sorry for the long post.   [?  Not long at all!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4119]