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Tue, 25 Mar 2003 18:35:02 -0800
text/plain (76 lines)
Hi all
Sorry dat some of these are a little late.  My hooman has been real buzy
A little guy named Scully came in today.  He waz met by Socks and Kit
along with da rest of da Crew of Merry Mayhem.  Introductions were in
order and I introduced everyone to everyone.  They were real happy to
see him and greeted him very well.  They were also interested in da news
and gossip at home.  They sat around and talked for some time about
everything and everyone waz caught up on everything.  Then it waz time to
head out and explore to see all da sights and attractions.  I later saw
them over at da Otter Slide where they were indeed creating mayhem.  They
were doing da sliding thing but were really into da water fights.  They
started one big fight and everyone waz splashing everyone.  There waz
water flying everywhere.  From what I could see as I waz far out of range
everyone seemed to have a great time.  He said to send lot of luv along
with a kiss and hug to his mommy.
A little guy named Scappy came in later.  He waz met by Banjo, PePe,
Chyna and Fancy.  He waz greeted well by everyone but waz especially
greeted very well by Chyna.  Then da usual gossip session waz held where
everyone got caught up on all da news and gossip about home.  After dat
they headed out to see all da sights and attractions.  I later saw twem
over at Tube Park where they were playing in da practice tubes.  They
were running and generally enjoying themselves.  They had a very
intricate game of chase going and they all seemed to know da rules
although I couldn't figure them out.  There were ferrets chasing ferrets
everywhere.  Everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun at it and everyone
either got chased or waz being chased.  They eventually wore themselves
out and had to retire for a power nap.  He said to send luv and a ferrety
kiss or two to hiz mommy.
A little guy named Sammy came in later.  He waz met by Snowflake, DiMete,
Pico, Pepe, and Thumper.  They were really happy to see him and their
greeting waz very warm.  They were more interested in da things going on
at home and da usual gossip session ensued.  They talked and talked.
They talked so much they had to take a small break at da Fruit Bar but
everyone finally got all caught up on everthing.  Then it waz off to see
all da sights and attractions.  I later saw them over in da Fields.
They did a bit of cheweasel hunting before their romp in da grass.  They
actually caught a few of them where they took them to their den for safe
keeping.  Then it waz back to da Fields for their roll in da grass and to
generally enjoy themselves.  They ran and chased each other.  They ran
around in da grass for some time chasing each other and being chased and
generally having a good time.  When they got tired as it waz a nice day
they just curled up right in da grass and had a nap in a ferret pile.
He said to send lots of luv and kisses to hiz mommy.
I looked up Weasle in da puter thingy and found him over at da Wrestling
Matches where he waz cheering for hiz favorites.  He said he missed you a
lot too.  He said not to worry about him as he is doing real well.  He
said he will be right here waiting.  He said to pass on a hug and kiss to
I looked up Taz in da puter and found him over at da Crazy Kars where he
waz on da track and racing for da win.  I had to wait til his race waz
over.  He said he is doing real well aqnd there is a lot to do.  He is
keeping buzy and da time goes past pretty quickly.  He said he misses
everyone and to give them a kiss for him.  He said to pass on a special
kiss to hiz mommy.
I looked up Rocky in da puter.  I found him over at da Tube Races where
he waz cheering for his favorite and also scouting da opposition.  He
said he is doing well and is very buzy with da races.  He is doing a lot
of practicing and keeping fit.  He said he misses everyone bunches.  He
said to pass on hiz luv to everyone and give everyone there a kiss and
hug for him especially his mommy.
I am off to da races myself.  Got to keep up with my favorite driver.
Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 4098]