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Fri, 7 Mar 2003 13:15:45 -0500
mahlyssa <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
Hi everyone!
Zama is usually pretty good with not pooping on the floor.  We used to
have 2 litter boxes in our apartment which is probably smaller then most
people's living rooms.  He used to poop in the kitchen and under the
computer desk so we added 2 more.  Since we have done that he has only
had accidents once in a while.
Well, a couple of months ago my mom adopted 2 ferrets.  For a couple of
days they stayed with me before I brought them home to my mother.  They
had issues with pooping on the floor and still do.  While they were here
they kept pooping in front of my apartment door and in the bedroom
between the legs of the fan (big pain in the butt to clean.) This was
back in October and since then I have cleaned, disinfected, and washed
the carpet and steam cleaned.  I made sure I went over the two areas
again before Zama came back home to my apartment (I went to Nova Scotia
for a couple of weeks and I could get him on the train from Montreal to
Nova Scotia but not from Toronto to Montreal, so he stayed with my
Now he is pooping in front of the door and between the legs of the fan.
I have tried picking him up and moving him to his litter box but he
doesn't have to *go* anymore by then and I need to change my clothes
(little bugger).  I have tried moving the other two litter boxes since
they have been staying empty and clean for the last few days and he
actually kicks the litter boxes out of the way.  I have moved the fan and
put a clothes hamper where the fan was - but he just finds the fan and
poops between the legs.  I can't put anything in front of the door - so I
tried one of those draft protector legged men that cover the space and it
is a stuffed animal that must weigh about 5lbs - Zama pulls it out of the
way to poop there.  I am going crazy - since I have carpeted floor.  I
think I might just end up getting puppy pads or placemats and taping them
to the floor - but before I do that I am fishing for some other
suggestions.  I don't want to punish him by putting him in his cage or
anything because I don't think he is doing it to be a pain in the butt
and if he is that is ok I just wish he'd be a pain in the butt where it
is easier to clean.  NO!  seems to do very little because he just looks
at me while he does it.  Please help :-)
Now for something more entertaining then pooping problems
Yesterday I was eating one of those new "Oatmeal to Go" bars and I
dropped a bit on the floor.  Over came Zama and my kitten and they
fought over it - Zama won and ate it.
So, later on I was drinking a can of V8 juice and our recycle box was
still outside so I put the empty can on the table.  My kitten jumped
up and knocked it over.  The left over V8 juice in the can dripped down
on to a plastic bag (thankfully) that they took out of the bag holder
earlier and both sat there and drank it up!!  Zama seemed really upset
there wasn't any left and was snooping all over looking for more.
I would assume the oatmeal to go isn't too healthy for my ferret, but
what about V8 juice??  He doesn't like any veggies - so I find it hard to
believe that he likes the V8!  Anyone think it is a problem for him to
have some sometimes?
What a weirdo heh.
Sooo, does anyone else have ferrets with odd tastes?
Thanks a bunch
[Posted in FML issue 4080]