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Thu, 6 Mar 2003 13:10:25 -0800
Christie Keith <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
>Anyway, I don't put a lot of stock in the amazing "cheapness" of the
>internet, and Linus' pharmacy is full of really nice people who
>certainly can use my $40 per med, but I was curious, nonetheless, if
>these items can be purchased cheaper on the internet.
I think a lot of internet pharmacies are using predatory pricing.  They
are pricing items very, very low, often at lower cost than smaller
companies can even buy them for.  This will result in a certain number
of smaller competitors going out of business, and then of course, those
companies are free to raise their prices.  It happens all the time.
I have also seen, first hand, MANY instances of expired meds or meds
labeled in a foreign language or not labeled according to US pharmacy
laws being sold by large VETERINARY dispensing pharmacies on the
Internet.  I don't know if this is a problem with human online
pharamacies and drugs.
So I try to just deal with paying slightly higher prices to support the
kinds of businesses I want to support.
I also think, however, that there is a problem with veterinarians acting
as their own dispensing pharmacies.  I prefer my vet prescribe drugs that
I can obtain at a pharmacy with which my vet has no relationship.  I want
medication recommendations to be based on medical need, not on what drugs
that practice stocks or has on hand, or got a deal on, or other
considerations that don't relate to health.  Certainly I would not want
my MD to prescribe and dispense his or her own meds, nor care what
pharmacy I used to fill the prescription.  However in your case it sounds
like you are getting them from a pharamacy already, so this wouldn't
apply to your situation.
Christie Keith
Caber Feidh Scottish Deerhounds
Holistic Husbandry Since 1986
[Posted in FML issue 4079]