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Mon, 27 Jan 2003 13:24:56 -0500
Terri-lynne <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (74 lines)
I write this with a very heavy heart so PLEASE no emails flaming me.  I
have 2 ferrets that need a new forever home.  I have been struggling with
the decision to find them a new home for over a year now.  I had a new
baby last December and since he was born I just do not have the time they
need.  I am staying home with my son and because of this my husband is
working longer hours at his regular job and also late hours with his side
business.  I am left to care for the ferrets on top of my son who takes
up all my free time.  By the time I get him into bed at night it is
8:30pm and then I am spending my entire evening chasing ferrets until
the wee hours of the morning.  We have 5 ferrets and they need to get
out in 3 different shifts so you can imagine how much time that takes.
We have a home for our bonded trio, but not for a few more months.  So
this leaves us with 2 more to find loving homes for.  So I am doing 3
different shifts of cleaning cages, playing with fuzzies, etc...I was
having a hard time keeping up with all of the work, but I was trying
really hard to "do it all".  Well, I am currently 6 months pregnant in
a "HIGH" risk pregnancy and I just can't keep up anymore by myself....
cages have to be cleaned...the ferrets are in our bedroom (we live in a 2
bedroom apartment and my son's is the second bedroom) so this is the only
set up we can use, and I can't let the cages go without cleaning because
my ferrets don't deserve a dirty cage, but also because I can't stand
sleeping in our room if their cages smell.  My doctor has put me on
midified bedrest for my blood pressure, swelling, breathing machine at
night and other problems I am having with this pregnancy.  In order to
let them out I need to unassemble my breathing machine and oxygen every
night, which takes me awhile in itself and then re-assemble it.  If I
don't they will chew through the tubes.  I can't lift anything over
20lbs...their cages are those midwest ones and my husband had made
several floors out of wood so they are VERY heavy to pick up.  So now
I can't lift the cages to clean them anymore which means after working
18 hour days that my husband is staying up to clean the cages until
2am... which means I am not getting to bed and I am exhausted and finding
it hard to care for my son during the daytime when he is up at 6am and I
am getting 4 hours of sleep each night on top of being pregnant making me
tired as well.  I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and I know I am
going to be put on strict bedrest so my Mom will be coming over to help
me out with my son.  She hates the ferrets and won't touch them so I know
she won't let them out for me.  So basically they are going to be left in
their cages and get out on weekends.  I don't want my fuzzies living like
this.  I had a shelter mom tell me it was my responsibility to take care
of them.  I feel that YES it is my responsibility to care for them and
that is why I am trying to find them a new home.  They don't deserve to
be stuck in their cages with minimal playtime...I am trying to find them
homes because I want them to be happy and get the attention and playtime
they need and are use to.  It wouldn't be responsible of me to keep them
in their cages all the time with minimal or no playtime.
Keegan is special needs.  He is almost 5 years old and is adrenal.  He
had adrenal surgery to remove his left adrenal in 9/01.  When the vet
opened him up he saw that he also had a tumor on his right adrenal, but
said it was too risky to remove it.  After his recovery we started him on
Lupron injections and his hair all grew back (he was almost completely
bald) and his aggression stopped.  We were able to put him back in the
cage with Noah.  He needs the lupron shot every few months to help with
his symptoms, but it doesn't help with the aggression all the time so he
is in his own cage.  He is a very playful and loving little guy....loves
to give kisses.  He is a sable.
And Noah...the other 3 never accepted him so we had him caged with Keegan
until his problems started with the adrenal problems.  So now Noah is in
a cage by himself.  He is 3 years old and a lively little guy.  He gives
lots of kisses and will nip your feet to get your attention.  He loves to
hide things..especially socks.  He is also a sable.
I live in Northeast Massachusetts and will travel to meet you if you are
in the New England area...or if you are in MA will somehow bring them to
your home.  My home phone number is (978) 887 -2432.  If I don't answer
it is because I am laying down or at a doctor appointment so please leave
a message where you can be reached and a good time to call.
Thank you for reading this....
[Posted in FML issue 4041]