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Wed, 15 Jan 2003 12:52:52 -0000
Jackie Jones <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Hi everyone, I have a darling albino boy who has just been neutered.
I rescued him when he was only a few weeks old and close to death from
a young lad up the road.  He was blind and deaf and would have surely
been destroyed if I hadn't taken him.  He has turned out to be a real
darling - playful and affectionate and I adore him.
I have 8 others living separately from him and would like to integrate
them but don't know whether he would stand up to the process of finding
out who's boss!  He has been introduced to a couple of them on a one to
one basis but he doesn't play fight although he wants to play with them
so I wonder if it would be better to get a kit in the summer so he could
have a friend in his run who wouldn't try to boss or hassel him?  I may
be over protective but I think the others might be too rough with him
especially if he doesn't stand up for himself.  Has anyone had experience
of integrating a blind deaf ferret with others?
Please say a little prayer for Tarken (7 years old) - my dear little
ferret who passed away on Monday - I miss him terribly but at least he
isn't suffering now.  Hold on to your babies and love them to bits -
we never know how long we have them for.
[Posted in FML issue 4029]