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Wed, 8 Jan 2003 20:23:11 -0800
text/plain (40 lines)
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>There are a lot of variables.  If one technique works better for a given
>vet than another does then more power to the vet for doing what works
>best for that vet, or that hospital, or that surgical technique, or...
>What works best for another may well be different.  Even hand size
>affects how much can be done at once.  Surgery is not one size fits all..
Thank you for saying some of the things I wanted to but couldn't put it
into words.  The only people flaming and questioning were from the dark
side so i get kind of p.o'd.  That's amazing that a doc could perform as
well with a scalpel as he could with cryo technique.  Thanks for the
wealth of information Sukie.  You are such a valuable resource and a
pleasure to correspond with.  kim
My feelings and defensive attitude regarding my veterinarian stem from
1 bad experience with a vet who's track record I did not know about.  I
trusted a dear friend because that was all I had to go on.  I lost a very
dear ferret because of it... (and know I won't give you this vet's name
either) I have a 6 year old nephew who will never forget it.  That's why
I'm very defensive about my current vet.  I've known and trusted him with
my dogs for many, many years and didn't realize he was so good with
ferrets.  This man is no BS and that alone earns my respect.  Add to that
the fact that the surgery was already done and I am literally on the
phone and on hold while he is stitching up Tucker.  I pay him for his
knowledge and expertise and trust him to make professional decisions and
do not feel qualified to question them... because in FACT, I am not
qualified to do so!  This man will call no matter what time of the night
it is to talk to me.  It is not a matter of "COMMON" sense as someone put
it.  It is, in reality much more than just "common" sense.  It is years
of learning and experience.  I'm no expert on adrenal by any long shot.
I'm still learning and perfectly willing to admit that.  I don't think
anyone ever stops learning and feel that the minute you feel you know
everything, then you've lost the edge to educate yourself and your
ferrets will lose because of your own cocky wantabeavetbutcouldnthackit
attitude.  You've lost the ability to gain more knowledge.
Kim at SUMS
[Posted in FML issue 4022]