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Sun, 22 Dec 2002 18:23:02 +0100
"Sally St. Germain" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (112 lines)
Hello and a very Merry Christmas to all of my favorite ferret people out
there in FML land.  My prayers and condolences for those who have sick
ferrets or ones who have passed recently.  My joy for those of you who
have added a bundle of fur to your family.
I attended my staff Christmas party on Friday night and didn't go to bed
until 4 am.  <evil G>.  I planned to sleep until at least noon.  Never
plan to sleep in after partying.  It never works for me.
At 9:15 The phone rang.  I thought seriously about not answering, but
picked it up anyway.  It was our local pet store owner.  He apologized
for calling so early, but he had a ferret emergency.  He had received a
shipment of 3 baby ferrets indirectly from Marshal Farms.  They were, I
am told, in rough shape when they arrived and the store staff quickly got
them some food, and some water and a nice clean cage.  It was close to
closing when they arrived, so the store was closed and everyone went
home.  When Jason (the store owner) arrived to open the store in the
morning, he found 1 of the little angels already dead and the other 2
very weak.  I have to give Jason credit here, because over the time he
has known me he has taken my advice about the handling of baby ferrets.
They are no longer in a big aquarium, but in a critter pen and the most
important change is they are no longer out in the open were they can be
handled without supervision.  They are now in a separate room were the
staff have to bring the ferrets out to interested buyers.  They had a few
biters recently and I was convinced it was because kids were teasing
them, because they were so accessible.
I got up immediately, got dressed and made a batch of duck soup, lit my
prayer candle and prayed to God, St.  Francis of Assiss (the patron saint
of animals) and to St.  Jude (the patron saint of lost causes) for help
and guidance to help these poor little babies, and I was into town within
the hour.  Town is about a 20 minute drive from my place.
I was almost in tears on the way to town, thinking of these little
creatures who may die before I even got a chance to try to help them.  I
prayed I'd be able to help when I did get there.  When I arrived at the
store the sight of these 2 little girls almost did make me break down,
but they needed me so I went to work.  I warmed some duck soup and
started feeding by syringe.  They were so tiny and so dehydrated and so
weak.  I fed them a little at a time.  I was afraid to give them too much
at once.  I examined them closely and found they still had their milk
teeth.  Their adult canines had started to come through and I could see
both sets there.  There was no poop in the cage.  These poor little girls
were starving to death.  I hoped and prayed that was All that was ailing
them.  At least I knew I could fix that.  They were also covered in
something that had once been slimy, but was now very dry and stuck to
their fur, and what fur wasn't covered in dry junk, was very dry and not
very shiny or soft.
I talked Jason into letting me take them home so I could of course look
after them through the night.  I told him I am on holidays until after
Christmas and I could guarantee regular feedings day and night.  I first
went to the grocery store to pick up more supplies to make more duck
soup.  I had used the last to make the first batch.Then I went to the pet
store and left the car running to keep it warm.  I put them in a box in
a nice warm blanket to keep them from getting a chill.  And off I went,
wondering if I had lost my mind, and still praying I could make a
difference with these 2.
When I got home, I fixed up one of my hospital cages with a little bed,
and some fuzzy warm blankets and a litter pan.  Before I put them in the
clean bed, I bathed them in warm water, dried them well with a warmed
towel and again with a hair dryer.  I put them into the clean bed and
covered the cage with a blanket so they wouldn't catch a draft.  I almost
didn't want to put them through the trauma of a bath.  I was concerned
the added trauma would be really hard on them, but I was also concerned
about what kind of germs and bacteria was growing in the crud they were
covered in.  I figured there was no sense in trying to nurse them back
to health if they were breathing and wallowing in who knows what, growing
on their backs.  Neither one of them put up much of a fight.
They were both very weak and tiny, but one more so than the other and I
was really afraid I would lose her.  I was also prepared to take them
to my vet if I didn't see any improvement.  I fed them duck soup and
ferretvite diluted in warm water.  They wouldn't lick they ferretvite
themselves.  I fed them every 2 hours during the day and I set my alarm
and fed them every 3 hours through the night.  They improved slowly over
the day.  I was till quite worried about the smaller one, but when I fed
the last feeding, before I went to bed at 1 am, they were actually
wrestling with each other when I put them back to bed!  Once again, like
so many times during the day, I was almost in tears, but this time
because they were actually trying to act like ferrets!
This morning the smaller of the 2 was crawling up the cage trying to get
my attention and they both ate from the bowl and some from a spoon.  They
were even trying eat some of the kibble I had left in their cage "just in
case".  I am very tempted to not let Jason know how well they are doing,
so that I can keep them until after Christmas.  This would a least
prevent them from being bought on an impulse and given to someone who
will not know how to look after them, or worse get tired of them and
give them away.  Any opinions?  Should I try to keep them till after
I would appreciate any advise from you people out there.  Is there
anything else I can do for these little girl.  I am already taking all
of the precautions I can so that my own babies don't catch anything from
I would certainly appreciate your prayers and good wishes that these
little darlings continue to improve.
Sandee please look out for the one who didn't make it.  I don't even know
if it was a male or female.  Please tell him I'm sorry I didn't make it
in time to help him too.  Please guide him to my crew up there especially
Moxy and Baby.  They will mother him and keep him company and introduce
him to the others so he won't be afraid.
Missing 9 "Little Angels" @ the Bridge
Sally St. Germain and her 8 "Little Saints"
Hi.....my name is Sally.....I am a ferret-a-holic!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 4005]