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Tue, 17 Dec 2002 22:56:50 EST
Jacci Denney <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
Hi, everyone, I've been lurking around here for a couple of days.  First,
let me say that I am thrilled to have found a group of people who are as
ferret crazy as I am!
I have 4 wonderful ferrets, Jinx (f-1 1/2 yrs), Mouse (m- 2 yrs), Lilo
and Nani (f- 6 wks).  We adopted Jinx from a shelter (not a very good
one, she and her bedding were filthy and her cage had lots of poo in it)
about eight months ago, and even though she has enormous vet bills, I
fell absolutely in love with her.  She was diagnosed with cancer and was
taking prednisone, then had surgery and is doing awesome!  Her energy is
great she's gaining weight and she's even picking fights with Mouse.
We bought Mouse from a lady who was feeding him rat food and nuts, so
needless to say he was underweight, and small for a boy.  When we first
brought him home we gave him a bath, and fed him, but wouldn't eat ferret
food.  We could get him to eat our cats food, so thinking it had to be
better than what he had been eating, we mixed the cat food with ferret
food adding less cat food each time.  He is now eating only ferret food
and has gained a ton of weight.  The vet was very pleased with his
We love these guys so much we added Lilo and Nani, and this is where my
question is: how long til they start to grow out of the biting?  Wow!
They bite hard!  Jinx and Mouse never bite.  I put bitter apple spray on
my hands, but all that seemed to do was make them madder...(how dare you
taste so nasty?).  We are very patient, I tried hissing...they ignored
me.  "No" doesn't mean much.  And Nani turns into a little psycho if you
put her in time-out.  The little missy has an attitude!  I have read that
they grow out of the majority of it, but, really, how long will I be
bleeding?  Don't worry...this is their home and they will be here for as
long as God graces me with their presence, however I would like to bleed
a little less! :)
[Posted in FML issue 4000]