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Sun, 8 Dec 2002 20:21:56 -0800
aosenbaugh <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
We have a total of 3 ferrets.  Yesterday upon doing the daily poop scoop
before letting them out for their free roam, I noticed that one of the
males has a few sores on his neck.  Earlier in the day the 2 males were
playing in the cage, running and jumping and wrestling each other, but
I never heard either one cry out in pain.  So I was wondering if maybe
they really got into it and that's how the fur come up missing.  The
sores are looking better today, the vet said to treat them with the over
the counter neosporin, and if it wasn't healing by Monday to bring him
in.  When I finished cleaning the cage, I noticed there was skin and fur
on the bottom, so my question is.....has anyone had a fuzzy do this to
another?  They have always gotten along, so I don't know what would have
brought this on.  I have them separated into 2 cages so the hurt one can
heal.  Is there something better to help heal his wounds?  I wonder what
will happen when he is healed and we put them all back into the same cage
again.  Is this going to happen again?  Any and all advice will be
welcome.  Thanks!!!
Mandy, Ozzy (boy I hope my hair grows back!), Jerry (I didn't think I
hurt him Mom!), and Harriet (Mom, you need to control your boys!)
[Posted in FML issue 3992]