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Fri, 6 Dec 2002 11:21:57 -0800
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>She happens to be a very big hearted, generous, knowledgeable person who
>is VERY supportive of rescues and shelters
Knowing now that she is not indeed a newbie, it's obvious to me that
these are pErsonal attacks on me.
>Kris was not coming down on ALL shelters.  She was merely asking
No.  Just mine.  Why?  I don't even know this person.  But I bet I
know some of her buddies since so many folks that supported me received
hateful email by a known troublemaker.
>But to not have 30 or 40 bucks for a single ADV test?
C'mon.  She referred to this as an emergency.  I do not consider money
for one single ADV test an emergency, especially from someone who
hypocritically downplayed the need for testing for ADV, not to mention
vaccinating not long ago and questioning the test results validity.
The money for this test was urgent and if you think it's such a tiny
amount of money, your "nest egg" is bigger than mine.  My doors have been
closed to incoming ferrets because I myself am experiencing financial
hardship.  Having trouble finding work.  My heart however is bigger than
my bank account and I refused to see this ferret's life sacrificed.  I
think a response to this has already been made.  I'm not the only one
that has questioned the validity of the tests but I did my research and
found a lab that I feel comfortable with.  I'm a hypocrite?  I have every
right to question every detail before sinking valuable money into any
type of testing and veterinary care.
>As far as Kim having a tough year..haven't we all.  There are just too
>many things that make no sense to me regarding SUMS.  Why does it seem
>like everytime Kim gets a shelter kid in, donations are being asked for?
Not every time I get a shelter kid in.  My door is closed to incoming.
Emergencies only....and Holly is the last emergency I have room for.
>Even for the simplest of things?
It must be wonderful to run a simple rescue Nancy, as you obviously do.
I'm sure all of the other rescues here would love to know your secret to
running a SIMPLE rescue..  because you obviously are sitting on a big
secret to doing it the EASY way..
>Where is this money really going?
The money, donations, raffles etc REALLY is going to take care of the
ferrets.  What makes you think it would go elsewhere?  What gives you
the right or reason to make insinuations like this?
>You even asked for donations (sorry, you held a "raffle") for a pregnant
>cat you rescued?
First the raffle was not for a pregnant cat.  The raffle was for one of
her kittens that fell ill.  The prospective adoptive human bailed on the
vet bill and I was left with it.  You're right about the raffles.  I
always try to give something back for donations.  I have NEVER just asked
people to send me money.
>-btw, did "Tucker" ever get his surgery with the funds from the laptop
Tucker has not had his surgery yet.  He has not had his surgery yet
because I already had a vet bill and had to use the raffle money to
pay down the debt before I could have any more surgeries done.
>You have received money from donations and these raffles...you have
>money to ship out prizes, magnets and other items,
Shipping is extra
>but you can't afford an ADV test?  Hello?  To me, an ADV test is a
>necessity these days, not a luxury.
Where did I ever say that ADV testing was a luxury?.  I'm not going to
answer to these obviously twisted up accusations anymore.  I've got
better things to do w ith my time than to answer to people trying to
cause me trouble.
>I hear of all these kids you take in, but never anything about ones
>that get adopted out.
Well guess what.  I'm really picky about who my kids get adopted out
to.  My ferrets don't go out to anyone that walks in my door waving a
$100 bill.  I hold plenty of adoption appointments and in case you are
interested here are some of the reasons people are turned down for
adopting my babies:
- Planning on getting or already have large dogs.
- Too many children that upon visit to even my home are obviously
- Previous surrender of pets.
Hope you approve of these reasons.
Shall I go on?  And by the way, I have mangaged to place a little girl.
She goes to her forever home at the end of December.
>Another thing that concerns me is how disorganized these raffles are.
>"Disks" constantly disappear with people's addresses and such on them
ONE disk was lost.  I sometimes need to work between two computers
because the one at home doesn't have all the necessary program to
display all my files.  One disk Nancy NOT several and not constantly.
Keep it in perspective huh?
>money gets lost(Paypal is eating it?), etc.  It happened more than once.
>What is the deal?  Did I miss something?
Yes, you missed alot.  It didn't happen more than once and finally after
investig ations into the transaction with PayPal, the situation was
resolved.  The money W AS put into the wrong account.
>You're playing Santa to kids on the Giving Tree--you can't remember who
>they are...you're sending them stuff which I'm assuming involves money.
Yes I am playing Santa to kids on the Giving Tree and NO you shouldn't
ASSUME an ything.  You know what they say about people that assume.  I
am playing santa beca use I already have things that I can send some of
these needy kids.  People donate supplies to me to make hammies and toys
so I share whatever I can with whomeve r needs it.  Maybe it would warm
your fuzzy little accusing heart to know this.  I don't even have $ for
my family for Christmas this year..and not very much for my own
furkids.... but still I know there are fuzzys out there that are more nee
dy than mine... so I try to help by making things with the supplies
people donat e to me...Guess you should line me up and shoot me now for
Thanks here go to Ada and Kerry Gibbs for all of the egg toy supplies
they sent.
>Kim is NOT the only shelter in MD that could have taken this baby in--
if money for an ADV test was such an issue, then she should have asked
someone else to take him in.  It's called networking.
Would you care to elaborate on this?  Maybe you can suggest who I should
have sent this baby to.  Again, I repeat that I took HER in...HER name
is Holly because I have a potential home lined up for HER.
>I am a shelter op myself.  So I do understand how tight funds can be.
>I'm not rich either, but I do not ask for nor accept donations.  But
>that's my choice.  My husband works six days a week, 10-12 hours a day
>to support our family, including our ferrets and the shelter kids.  It's
>a daily struggle.
I'd rather do things to raise money for my rescue than see them go
without.  I've never heard of a REAL rescue/shelter that refuses
>Don't get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with accepting or asking for
Who sounds like a hypocrite now.  You see nothing wrong with raising
money for s helter funds....what?  as long as it's not me doing it?
Where are your accusation s for all the other shelters that do this?
Why is this personal?
>I have the utmost respect for shelter ops, believe me.  Most, if not
>all of them are unsung heroes--they are not in it for the attention or
>"glory".  And most of them do not get it, even though they deserve it.
>They don't play "martyr" either.
I am not playing the martyr and never have.  Glory?  Get a grip.
I think I've brought up some pretty valid questions here.  I do not wish
to be flamed.
No one is flaming you but maybe you should get your facts straight before
you st art making accusations.
>that has actually been to her shelter.
Again, I am very selective about who I allow into my shelter as it
resides in my home.  Another reason I am very selective is because there
is a group that every one knows is trying to cause trouble for me and has
been for years.  Not just me either.  Several rescues in MD have been
attacked by this group....possibly buddies of yours?  I wouldn't doubt it.
In conclusion dear ferret folks, I hope I have answered adequately to
these accusations but I'm signing off this topic.  I have other things
to do with my time.  Thank you to all of you who have supported me but
please do me this favor.  If you are the recipient of harassing emails
from the aforementioned coward who is using inactive email addresses to
harrass you, do not respond to him.  He is a sick , twisted troublemaker
and I don't want anyone else to be subjected to the crap that I have.
He's just not worth the time it takes to reply to him.
Kim at SUMS
Fuzzy Hugs from Kim and da kids at Somethin Up My Sleeve Rescue
Ask me how you can virtually eliminate the need for veterinary dental
[Posted in FML issue 3989]