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Wed, 27 Nov 2002 16:32:11 -0800
Woozle Kisses <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Well here's an update on the little blaze wanna be in Michigan.  She's
with us. :)  She's resting comfortably in her own cage next to our crew.
She's learning how to do hammocks and what GOOD ferret food is!!  She's a
little whirling dervish!  So much energy in such a small package!  She's
tiny compared to my guys...probably only 1.5lbs.  She reminds me of my
Dweezil-girl because of her size and shape and sweetness.  But she's a
pistol!!  She's also learning what ferretone is and boy does she like
it! ;-)  Right now crocheted eggs are her best friend and she's learning
to climb the cages.  Oh boy.  She will stay with us if she can get along
with our crew.  Which, if you remember my earlier post, might be a
challenge.  We're working with her slowly and gaining her trust.  She's
actually pretty trusting already, but a little skittish.  I'm already
falling in love and I'm trying not to, just in case I do need to find her
another home.  She has yet to find a name, but we're working on that.
Wish us luck with her, she's a real sweetie.
What am I thankful for?
I'm thankful for my family and friends.  I'm thankful for the friends
I've met on the FML over the years.  I'm thankful for the FML itself,
and for BIG for taking on such a challenge in moderating it.  Way to go
BIG.  :) I'm thankful for my country and the freedom it gives me.  I'm
thankful for and to my Lord Jesus Christ.  I'm thankful to have a home,
food in my belly, and blankets to keep me warm.  I'm also thankful for
my fuzzies whom make my heart warm and belly hurt from laughter.
Dear Santa,
Dis is us furkids, George, Zoe, Kolby, and the little girl that won't
tell Mommy her name yet!!  dook dook!  Anyways, we not want much.  Here's
our list!
George: turkey and lots of it!  a new hammie would be nice cuz I's been
bellyflopping in mine too much!
Zoe: TOYS!!  I want 'em all!  And they's all going under the chair!!  Er,
I mean, you won't find 'em dere!!  Yeah, dat's it!  dook dook!
Kolby: I want more kitty kongs!!  Georgie keeps stealing mines!!  OH and
my bestest friend, Texas-kitty wants some more mousie treats!
New girlie: I's want a forever home.  I sure hope dis is it.  Oh, and I
wants more good food fer my belly.  And if you can could you bring me
banana flavored treats?!  I wuv those!!
Holly and the furry four with a cat on top from Michigan
[Posted in FML issue 3980]