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Thu, 17 Oct 2002 13:01:12 -0700
Ashley Noland <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
Hi, long time reader, first time writer!  My name is Ashley, although i
prefer Schmee, and I own an 8 month old fuzzy named Flea.  He's named
after the Red Hot Chili Pepper's drummer who does the voice of Donnie on
the Wild Thornberrys.
I really love this online Mag and wish to say "Thanks" to all those who
have posted such wonderful stories, and I want to say how courageous it
is of some of you who adopt these lil guys only to loose them to ADV or
other complications and still, yins still go and adopt more because your
love for them out weighs the bitterness of loosing one.
As I was reading the two articles on the surfacing of "wild" genes in
Fuzzies, I realized how true it is!  I had to post a reply.  My lil guy
could be Satan in disguise.  He is my first ever Fuzzie and he has taught
me alot since I've had him.  Sadly, this was at the cost of two ducks and
how awful it is to even say this but, a Guinea Pig too.  I had lived at
my sisters and of course, everyone loves him, but, no one wanted to watch
him while he was out!  And, so he learned of the ducklings we had in the
next room, well, there went one duck.  Everyone cried because of my
"blood lusty little weasel" who can't leave any thing alone.  The next
time he slipped outside and tracked down the ducks, there went another
one.  My sister was angry but, she was babysitting him that day so, I
could not be blamed.
I can't believe how he acts when he sees a bird of any sort!  The
instincts he has are just, Wow.  If he ever got into the wild, he would
survive quite well I'm sure.  I love him dearly and would never give him
up for any thing, that however was put to the test when he slipped out
his harness and attacked one of the Guinea Pigs, I never had to euthanize
an animal til then.  My sister does not have the stomach for it, and
neither do I.  It was awful and my sister totally blamed me, it was my
fault for not locking him in the tub while I changed his cage, but, also
my sister's for not making sure the door was closed for the room the
G.Pigs were in , none-the-less, my Sis got rid of him.  I was devastated.
He boyfriend however saw how distraught I was and confided that Flea was
actually vacationing at my mothers for the time being.  When I got him
back, I had a fierce protection of him and never let him out of my site!
I now live with my Dad (I'm only 18) and there is no animal my ferocious
ferret can get.  Well, I didn't want to make this long but, I didn't want
to cheaply write this and think that I am an irresponble Fuzzie owner, I
am not.  I think that if anything, I maybe reminding anyone that has
small pets (like hamsters and G.Pigs), to keep them throughly locked
when you Fuzzie is out and about.  I have throughly learned from this
experience and wish it to never, ever happen again!
Kuddos~ Schmee & Flea
Ps- I will have to write of Flea's adventure down the C&O Canal one of
these days.
[Posted in FML issue 3939]