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Tue, 15 Oct 2002 21:12:16 -0400
"K. Crassi" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Where would one buy frozen small mice for the ferrets that would be lab
>tested for health?
I'm not aware of anyone who does lab testing on their feeder mice.  It's
not really necessary.  There are differences between feeder breeders of
course and you want to buy from someone who feeds the mice a good quality
rodent diet ("lab blocks" or "lab chow" diet), not just dog food or seed
mix.  You also will want to buy from someone who keeps their feeders
decently clean.
If you can find a reptile hobbyist group in your area, someone in the
group will likely be raising their own feeder mice and will sell to you
in smaller quantities.  A lot of the mail order places have minimum
orders.  Unless you are feeding a LOT of ferrets mice regularly, you may
not want to buy mice by the 100-packs.  Other mail order places don't
have minimums.
Do a web search for "feeder mice" and you'll find a lot of hits.  Some
places vacuum pack the mice so they don't freezer burn as quickly if you
are storing them for a long time... "Mice on Ice" is one (and you can
often find them in pet stores) but they are more expensive too.
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No more my God, I boast no more / Of all the duties I have done / I
quit the hopes I held before / To trust the merits of Thy Son .....
The best obedience of my hands / Dares not appear before Thy throne /
But faith can answer Thy demands / By pleading what my Lord has done.
                                        -- Isaac Watts
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[Posted in FML issue 3937]