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Sun, 5 Jan 2003 19:15:10 -0800
Dave withheld <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Here is the battle we face out here in the Golden State.
I got this response from a guy on a hunting board I frequent.  I thought
I'd post it here with my comments in brackets [ ]
The poster wrote-----"Ferrets are illegal because they are non-native
wildlife [actually domesticated not wild, this misunderstanding is at
the heart of the legalization issue] that the DFG feels [here is part
of the problem, feelings have entered the arena of science] will pose a
threat to our native wildlife [like what Wild Turkeys?  Oh wait these
wild animals were imported into Calif. by Fish and Game].  The current
position comes not from the ignorant public [no it's not all the ignorant
public, it's ignorant politicians and bureaucrats as well], but from DFG
biologists [Not an unbiased independent third party].
One of the few positions in the DFG that the state hiring freeze will not
affect is the game warden [Only recruits in Post training prior to the
hiring freeze will enter the force, they were hired before the freeze,
31 warden positions will not be filled].  They are continuing to hire
wardens even as we speak.  [So it is a good use of department resources
to chase pet owners?]
The question is: does the legalization of the ferret and the potential
income it proposes outweigh the possible damage it could cause our
state's wildlife resources?  DFG thinks [no, feels was the correct word]
so.  [huh?  Did I miss something or did he put this backwards?]
I myself like to err on the side of caution." [Funny he uses a quote by
Thomas Jefferson and then makes a statement like this, Jefferson always
erred on the side of Liberty]
"No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -Jefferson, 1776
"They that...give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither..." -Franklin, 1759[This makes my point]
Houndhunting...America's ORIGINAL pasttime.
[I asked this gentleman what he'd be more comfortable with, a next door
neighbor that legally keeps Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes or one with two
caged ferrets, I should have asked if he was willing to give up his gun
dogs to insure wildlife saftey]
[Posted in FML issue 4019]